Senior Citizens, just how important to you is your points score here?
2013-12-26 08:27:24 UTC
There are some aggressive users of Y.A. and they tend to be the ones who intimidate others by their choice of words and try to make the askers feel foolish for asking etc. Is it a kind of power trip rather like hitting someone who cannot hit back? The anonymity seems to give this sick power to a few.

I cannot see what the attraction of a huge point score is at all. We come here and ask, we come here and answer, we score with our thumbs if we choose to do so and have our own ideas of who should receive best answer (the choice being ours if it was our question) but some people seem to almost make this place a career choice. It amazes me and I wonder how those people will survive through even the first day if this facility were suddenly closed down. They'll either have a breakdown or violently kick the cat I think.

Some certainly need a reality check.
35 answers:
2013-12-27 05:04:44 UTC
I have had to make a point of looking to see my score and to remind me of how long I've been here. My score is abysmal in comparison with many others but I'm not going to go away and sulk about that. I would not enjoy it if points were as important as they appear to be to some.

Also, I think that those here who make it their policy to insult other users (quite regularly) should be able to take it also but it would seem that is not the case. Rather like the school bully, once someone fights back they run off to teacher and have cry or a sulk.

I find it impossible to believe that anyone here can reach really high scores in a short space of time without having multiple accounts (and I don't mean 2 or 3). With MANY accounts, having a dozen or more alter egos, asking questions but only one answering and always being given B.A., a high score will be reached. Such a person will have their profile hidden so that others will not be able to see that they appear to be continually answering questions posed by the same small group of people (their own other selves).

I'm sure it can be done but what a waste of time, energy and a brain when so many far better things could be achieved and knowing that the points achieve ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.


I agree with Old Fart, it would be a far better system if we just came here to ask and answer (helping others by so doing or just enjoying the discussions) and with no points being involved whatsoever.
2013-12-26 13:03:52 UTC
I started using Y.A. five years ago and have 'earned' seven and a half thousand points and am at level 5. Not huge when I look at the scores of some and it will be quite some time before I have unlimited use here by reaching level 7 but I can do what I want to do. I've hardly ever stayed here, in any one day, long enough to be told I could not answer any more until tomorrow. That happened in level one of course.

Those who have reached dizzy heights in a short period of time must have absolutely nothing else to do with their time and I actually find that a really sad thought. I come here most days at some point - providing I'm feeling well. If I don't 'turn up' it will be because I have back ache or my eyes are sore (they play up more whilst looking at a screen so I have to take a break of a day or two sometimes).

I've received some good help and advice on here occasionally and hope that my advice to others has helped but most of the time I guess we all (except one maybe) come here for a bit of fun and just something to do if the weather is too bad to leave the house.
2013-12-26 09:51:38 UTC
As to your question, I would visit the Senior Citizens category even if there were no point system involved because I am a senior citizen. I answer good questions with the best answer I can come up with. I read the answers of others in order to see whether there are others that feel the same as I do or to get another perspective I hadn't thought about. If you are a close follower of this category, you will have noted that some questions just don't, in my opinion, belong in this category and this can be for several reasons I don't intend to go into at this time. This may be why some answers might seem to be brisk or intimidating. I agree that some users rattle off answers just for the few points to add to their already enormous totals. Some amass totals in a month that I can't reach in a year nor would I want to.
E. M
2013-12-27 01:25:59 UTC
Initially I enjoyed seeing my points score go up but, once we've reached the level where we can stay a little longer, the score isn't really important. We can all come and go at will - except anyone still at level one - and they'll soon be out of that anyway.

Excellent way of putting it Malcky, I couldn't agree more. Some people are just too competitive, even when there is absolutely nothing to complete for. It's not even as if we can step forward and take a bow and listen to the applause.

I enjoy coming here but don't always like what I see. That's life.
2013-12-26 23:10:51 UTC
I seem to have accrued quite a lot of points since I arrived here

in 2011, but I do not take them seriously, how could I, when on

certain days I find myself awarded points for a question that I

answered months, or in a couple of cases a year ago?

Only a few days back, I am informed that I have had a BA and points

for some question or other that I have previously been awarded points

for. So no validity in counting points, mine or those awarded to others.

I assume that points are awarded as a means of keeping control of

the site. After all, if there was no points system, we could find that

with each violation we have our account closed, just for offering an

answer that the questioner does not like. Taking points away is

rather like being sent to sit on the naughty step for a while. There is

no kudos attached to having points.

Points do not make prizes !
2013-12-26 16:07:06 UTC
My guess would be that points are like money in one respect and that's the ones that work the hardest earn the most. I don't work at garnering huge amounts of anything. I choose the questions I want to answer, sometimes not so wisely, with the purpose in mind to either help or to make a point. (Not points). The only aggression I see is from our resident police telling us how to ask or answer questions or to report us for our grave errors. We have lost many of our true senior citizens because of this and most of what had been fun at one time no longer exists. Whether this category is or isn't for just SC's, it makes me wonder why Y/A went to the trouble to create nearly 100 categories and sub categories. Surely there is something somewhere to be found to suit all tastes and degrees of expertise.
donelle g.
2013-12-26 15:35:25 UTC
When I first started messing around on Y/A some wise guys told me that the points were worth $$ to buy cool t-shirts & other stuff from the yahoo store. [¤]¿[¤] I was under the impression that the stars were worth something nice too, like maybe a totebag...

No, I'm not one of the idiots that Sgt. Friday went on about, just gulible. But not anymore. Points are obviously worthless, but Best Answers are fun; especially if ya get some thumbs up along with it...cause ya get....Extra Points!!

Woo Hoo!!

0ops...i guess i meant Lt. Friday..not sgt.
Ghost Of Christmas Past
2013-12-26 08:46:48 UTC
Once upon a time, people would seek the wisdom of the elders in person. Now they can do it on-line and not feel obliged to buy us lunch. I've managed to amass over 50,000 points by answering the questions of the young and naive, but that's not why I do it.

Because Y!A is anonymous, some people like to use it to be vulgar or aggressive. It's a little like writing on the lavatory wall. But if they weren't pretending to be hard men on Y!A, they might be out on the street being beaten up by old ladies.
2013-12-27 09:24:12 UTC
How important is my points score? - not very important at all as you will be able to see from that score.

I answer those questions which interest me and ask if I need answers for certain things and, sometimes, ask for a bit of fun or when I see very few questions here. I couldn't allow it to take me over though as I have far too many other interests.
2013-12-26 12:27:10 UTC
No redemption center like at a carnival or amusement park, not like s&h green stamps, no Christmas bonus, just another game of yahahooo to get people in an uproar over nothing that can get us anywhere. I remember the first violation I got, I felt like a sinner sent to the principals office with my hand slapped. We take abuse and come back for more. It is all in a sick twisted game. My orange collar likes to come and go, the first time I posted a $25.00 reward for it. No takers there, no sympathy. It is a dog eat dog world here. The staff must sit back and roar in laughter at the pit- bull fight going on here. Thumbs up, thumbs down, tattle-tales... all sir, just a twisted game!
2013-12-27 05:16:55 UTC
TBH - I take a very SMALL amount of self-satisfaction - from being an active YA user - keeping in touch - exchanging views/opinions - through a single a/c - and quite like accumulating points/BAs/TUs etc - fairly/squarely - despite being targeted by various trolls and mischievous imps who report me for 'violations' - have my Qs deleted, etc.

STRICTLY off the record - I find it all rather amusing.

Same way I spent many decades of my life - solving cryptic X-word puzzles - for no particular POINT(S) - other than to exercise the mind - keep a step ahead of those laying down challenges - which we're given to understand is GOOD for staving OFF dementia - as old age has a nasty habit of overtaking us.

Innit ???
2013-12-26 10:08:28 UTC
I don't even look at them. Who cares? I think when I opened my first account, I was charmed by them, but quickly realized how "point"less they were. When I closed that account, I was level 7 but I have no idea how many points I had and couldn't have cared less. I don't even know what level I am at right now with THIS account, but I know I've above level 1 because I can give TUs, which mean more to me than anything else. And I will be SO happy when my name is gone from the top ten list because then I won't have this daily reminder of how much fun we used to have here.
2013-12-26 10:28:59 UTC
Good grief Lt. Friday, that is one of the most aggressive answers I've seen on here. Who rattled your cage -Santa hasn't brought you everything on your list perhaps?

Regarding the question, there are those who come here regularly for an hour or two and enjoy it and there a those (very few thankfully) who are intent on scoring, scoring and scoring. Ask few, answer many and their score if out of this world for the period of time they've been here. All I can describe that as is SAD. There has to be more to life than this surely.
2013-12-26 09:23:06 UTC
of no importance what so ever, I, for one come "here" for a laugh, that's all this site is, full stop. The majority of users on this site are under age, prepubescents out to shock or intimidate, this site, amongst others is the only release for their anger against the world, imagine when you were young and rebellious where did you vent your feelings, no internet, so just "go with the flow"
2013-12-26 16:01:47 UTC
Points were important until about level 4. I just wanted to be able to ask and answer more. I have seen one on here several times that gets to 200,000 several times. So I am at the point point wise that I don't run out answers or questions (limit) that is, which is what I like.
2013-12-27 02:14:39 UTC
Yahoo Answers is certainly not on the list of the most important things in my life. It passes the time of day but I am not on it every day of the week. I can do without it and what do the points mean anyway - they too are unimportant.
2013-12-26 17:35:31 UTC
<---------- I am quite surprised at the points I being a child as you can see. I had to look, because it just doesn't matter to me. I started coming in here out of curiosity and it was fun then. But as you say, a few are very aggressive and one in particular was giving me the stalking business and post very obnoxious avatars and nasty emails, which turned the group around.

I don't visit in here anywhere near what I used to. It's just not that interesting anymore. Information I can and do get in web search about anything.... except opinions and personal experiences.

And who knows what makes some people so.......................... ( fill in the blank )

I do, however, have to admit to a certain fondness of stars. In the last 5 years, I've accumulated over 15,600 of them.
2013-12-26 08:56:46 UTC
Until you questioned it in this Q, I didn't know how many points I had. Never looked and could not have told you. Guess it means zip to me.

I travel and don't take my computer with me so I do go days without coming to this site or any other.

I read a lot and I take books with me. I can't do without my books.
2013-12-26 22:24:52 UTC
I don't know anyone who cares much about the "points".

I also haven't seen any correlation between aggressive behavior and desire for points, but then, I haven't tried to analyze that either. I mean, who cares?

There is very little aggressive behavior in this section, anyhow. There is one "aggressor" who used to be here daily, but I haven't seen him for a while. I just ignore him, anyhow.
2013-12-26 10:04:19 UTC
I have no idea how many points I have or where to find out. I don't know how to accumulate points either. I saw someone mention levels. I have no idea what level I am or how to change it. I really don't care about points at all.
2013-12-26 11:24:01 UTC
Not important to me anymore.

When I first came on here there were people who would think I am so stupid for asking a certain question,

But some of us were having fun because it was getting boring on here.

People need to remember that anyone can ask a question on here whether old or young and they shouldn't point out that matter to the asker because that is a violations.."sorry" but that is true.

This site does not belongs to the SC's, it belongs to Yahoo.

As for shutting down Y/A-->so be it, there are other places to go to for fun.
2013-12-27 03:43:28 UTC
Points to me mean ZIP. To some, it's a chance to have their name put on some "popularity list" according to how much of their lives they are willing to spend to maintain that "honor."
Dave M
2013-12-26 15:31:40 UTC
Never worried about points nor did I ever care about my answers being shot down or ill considered.
Mojo Seeker Of Knowlege
2013-12-26 08:56:34 UTC
Not important at all,and to prove it I have a low score for the amount of years,and I agree with you.
2013-12-26 09:13:47 UTC
any person either kid, adolescent, young adult, grown adult or senior who cares about points (which are completely worthless) has other issues that can't be addressed by meds.

I know what you are saying, it is not right to be rude to other people over the net. some questioners do it too. the points are just not that valuable.
2013-12-26 08:54:19 UTC
If I want to play games, I go to Yahoo games.

Point in YA, for me, rate right below whale tinky.
2013-12-27 01:29:50 UTC
Not important at all, I answer questions to the best of my ability sometimes tongue in cheek,just to pas time
2013-12-26 11:10:55 UTC
my point score is over 91,000 and I am proud and grateful of the advice I can give to others and what others has given me.
2013-12-26 12:36:45 UTC
Some people like to play 'for keeps'...

Some people like to 'keep on playing'
2013-12-26 08:45:40 UTC
It is stupid to worry about something that will not affect you much.

Do I care about points?

2013-12-26 13:30:31 UTC
I grew up where the state bird is a goldfinch. Where I live now, the state bird is a wood (I think) grouse. I know these are birds, even though I've seen neither and know nothing about them, other then, apparently, they must be local for that state. I suppose I could spend a lot of time researching them and learning more about them, but it doesn't interest me.

Because it doesn't interest me, don't expect me to ask or answer questions about either of those two birds or anything about other stuff that doesn't interest me. To me that's the difference between worrying about points, thinking what other people consider about points, checking out how many points other people have compared to you or what's going on in the minds of people who have or don't have points. If the point-thingy is something bad to you, why spend so much time worrying about it? Apparently, it interest you much more than state birds interest me.

I do get a kick on how much time people spend on a topic they claim is, not only, unimportant to them, but absolutely, no way, no how should be important to anyone else? Isn't that the very definition of being "aggressive," when you make sure others accept your terms and agree with them, even if they aren't like you?

Since apparently it is very important to you to figure out all others, I'll tell the truth. This isn't my first account either, I do score points quickly, but I'm kind of like Reggie Jackson, sort of. I swing at questions often, but I've skipped way more than I swing at. In the long run, Jackson is the all time leader for strikeouts, but is more known for the hits. I do eyeball the balls (questions), before I decide if I'm going to answer. Matter of fact, had you just kept this at trying to figure out why some people score high quickly, instead of judging that high scores are "aggressive," (and thus proving the theory as a fallacy at your very point), I would have told you what I do that I do end up on here often enough to rack up high points quickly.

Considering I'm pretty sure who this is aimed at, (winky-winky) I'll give this much to you. For me, it has little to do with points. If there were no points, nothing of my activities on Yahoo would change, because, come on...we really can't turn the points into gift cards, money, or even a stack of rusty nails.

Instead, I give what I receive (thus "aggressive" to this answer.) Ask a silly question, and I give silly answers. Ask a serious question, and I give serious answers. I even go on to parts of the question that should have been considered (rather like saying points don't interest you, and yet look how much research you've done on other people's points to ask this question and then to check on those that answer them.) Ask a "serious question" that is neither serious and not really a question you want real answers to, I call you on it. Assume I must conform to your view of the world, and I won't. Even if I agree with your view of the world, I just won't give you that satisfaction. I may laugh at the presumption of the question like really? We're supposed to tell you what every other person on Yahoo thinks? LOL

But, pretty much, that's why I have high points, because I do give what I get.

As for points? I'm back to where I was right about this time last year. Hmmmm, should I or shouldn't I start another account, simply because I don't care about points? I'm leaning towards, meh! Maybe after I figure out what a grouse looks like and where they live. ;)
2013-12-26 12:04:44 UTC
I keep close track of my points, I have been redeeming them for cash at Yahoo HQ. Can I be the only one making money at this?
2013-12-26 19:36:16 UTC
the score does not matter
old fart
2013-12-26 11:37:17 UTC
Not important, they are worthless. I think Q & A would be better without any points.
2013-12-26 10:06:11 UTC
Not at all.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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