I grew up where the state bird is a goldfinch. Where I live now, the state bird is a wood (I think) grouse. I know these are birds, even though I've seen neither and know nothing about them, other then, apparently, they must be local for that state. I suppose I could spend a lot of time researching them and learning more about them, but it doesn't interest me.
Because it doesn't interest me, don't expect me to ask or answer questions about either of those two birds or anything about other stuff that doesn't interest me. To me that's the difference between worrying about points, thinking what other people consider about points, checking out how many points other people have compared to you or what's going on in the minds of people who have or don't have points. If the point-thingy is something bad to you, why spend so much time worrying about it? Apparently, it interest you much more than state birds interest me.
I do get a kick on how much time people spend on a topic they claim is, not only, unimportant to them, but absolutely, no way, no how should be important to anyone else? Isn't that the very definition of being "aggressive," when you make sure others accept your terms and agree with them, even if they aren't like you?
Since apparently it is very important to you to figure out all others, I'll tell the truth. This isn't my first account either, I do score points quickly, but I'm kind of like Reggie Jackson, sort of. I swing at questions often, but I've skipped way more than I swing at. In the long run, Jackson is the all time leader for strikeouts, but is more known for the hits. I do eyeball the balls (questions), before I decide if I'm going to answer. Matter of fact, had you just kept this at trying to figure out why some people score high quickly, instead of judging that high scores are "aggressive," (and thus proving the theory as a fallacy at your very point), I would have told you what I do that I do end up on here often enough to rack up high points quickly.
Considering I'm pretty sure who this is aimed at, (winky-winky) I'll give this much to you. For me, it has little to do with points. If there were no points, nothing of my activities on Yahoo would change, because, come on...we really can't turn the points into gift cards, money, or even a stack of rusty nails.
Instead, I give what I receive (thus "aggressive" to this answer.) Ask a silly question, and I give silly answers. Ask a serious question, and I give serious answers. I even go on to parts of the question that should have been considered (rather like saying points don't interest you, and yet look how much research you've done on other people's points to ask this question and then to check on those that answer them.) Ask a "serious question" that is neither serious and not really a question you want real answers to, I call you on it. Assume I must conform to your view of the world, and I won't. Even if I agree with your view of the world, I just won't give you that satisfaction. I may laugh at the presumption of the question like really? We're supposed to tell you what every other person on Yahoo thinks? LOL
But, pretty much, that's why I have high points, because I do give what I get.
As for points? I'm back to where I was right about this time last year. Hmmmm, should I or shouldn't I start another account, simply because I don't care about points? I'm leaning towards, meh! Maybe after I figure out what a grouse looks like and where they live. ;)