I feel lucky in a way to have been raised in the 50's. Parents expected the kids to be home at 6 pm before dinner, school projects and homework were a lot simplier, the method of teaching in grade school was kind of traditional; we were not trained to ask, discuss or argue. Only few of my teachers asked why, how questions. May that was what was applicable then.
Sex was a no, no topic. No one dared asked about it. BTW, I was educated by Catholic sisters therefore mass, rosary and devotion to the Blessed Mother was sort of a must and also first Fri mass gor the Sacred Heart of Jesus.Confession and Sunday mass was never questioned.
Proper attire for modesty was required during holy mass ( no sleeveless dress) and when biking, we follow a dress code which is good, no shorts and pedal pusher was encouraged. I woudln't raise my voice for proper decorum.
Kids were seen, not heard. When guests come to the house, young ones were normally shoved to the family room.I was usually asked to play the piano, one or two pcs I have mastered, then have to quietly go back to the family room.
The value of money was fantastic! Just an example, to buy a decent shoes now a days, I need P 2,000.00 back then, my school shoes was only P 7.00 or less. The exchange rate then was P 3.00 to a US dollar. Now, it's P 42 to a dollar!
For dresses, since we were 4 girls in the family, hand me down was normal; no question or protest whatsoever. Was luckier because, am the second girl in the family, so the dresses I had to get from my big sister was still relatively nice.
Frugal and simple was our life then. Teen parties were strictly supervised by the parents or adults: barn dance, hawaiian and few costume parties. It usually started at 8 and ended at around 12, sometimes extension was allowed but only for 1 hr.
I feel respect for the elders, love of family and simplicity
Was emphasized. I had 2 pair of shoes for the year, school bag was used until it literally fell apart, books in school were never bought but borrowed for a year.
We were one of the first family to have a phone, but it could not connect to many establishment, it was via a phone operator. There are many more but it might bore you. Thanks and good luck.