what can be done when elderly parents are seriously sick & will not get help? they live out of state so i can't check on them. i tried to help them in past they refuse it. my mom & step dad abused my sisters & I when we were young, & he had 3 daughters who never spoke to him (must've done somethg awful to them). so the relationship is bad but still i have tried to do things for them & they don't respond. bought them a cell phone they would not use it, bought them a pc & tried to teach them how to use it. refused to even try to use it. now my sister called my mom & she said she has been sick for 3 wks & neighbors are bringing them food, however they will not go to the doctor. b4 they got sick they were depressd & never left the house. i wonder if social services or the police do something. anyone hear of similar problems? any ideas that could help?