what is a good senior prank that won't get you into deep trouble?
Janelle G
2007-05-15 17:46:26 UTC
me and a couple of friends want to do a senior prank at our school before we graduate but we don't want to risk getting into deep trouble with the principle and not being allowed to walk across the stage at graduation.
Sixteen answers:
2007-05-19 16:48:33 UTC
Have all the students spray all the teachers with silly string as they come out of the teacher lounge. It would make them mad, but it's harmless.
2007-05-15 18:06:01 UTC
The best pranks are pranks that get alot of notice, last, and are easy to cleanup. They cant leave any permanent damage.

Here are some good ones:

-3 pigs (or other farm animals) numbered 1, 2, and 4. They'll spend all day trying to find number 3!!

-giant "school is closed" signs all around the outside

-If your school is visible from a major road, put a "for sale" sign with the principals' or office number

-take apart a car and move it to a roof, then reassemble it

The worst one at my school was the "senior gift". They bought us a clock to go outside, but it doesnt go with the decor of the school, and goes off every fifteen minutes. Really terrorized the first few weeks of school.
2017-01-02 23:53:37 UTC
Good High School Senior Pranks
2016-11-02 05:19:08 UTC
Best Senior Pranks Ever
2007-05-18 11:55:27 UTC
A friend of mine did burnouts up and down the hallways with her boyfriend's motorcycle. By the time the teachers and principal came out of their offices, the hallways were so full of tire smoke they couldn't see who was doing it. I and two others were suspended for three days ... our part was holding the doors open so she could get in and out quickly with the bike. Interestingly, she didn't get in any trouble at all; none of us would put the finger on her, and the teachers simply assumed the prankster was a guy.

I has great success with this: have someone you know who's older than 21 get a few decks of x-rated playing cards (not just the naked girl cards; get some real smokers with threesomes and gay stuff) and slip one or two cards into each locker in the school through the air slots. A few of you should be able to cover the school quickly without being seen.

Good luck!
2007-05-15 18:09:03 UTC
the best seniors pranks are the legacy ones that are harmless and spirited and will be repeated by graduating classes for years to come.

For example, if the principal is a good sport, you can do something like decorate his car on the last day of school. Just make sure you don't do anything that will cause permanent damage. Good luck!
2016-03-19 09:50:52 UTC
The cops won't do anything but your school could suspend you. Your parents will probably end up taking the school system to court over the suspension if they have the money. So you have to ask yourself, do you really want to go through all of that just to pull a prank?
2007-05-15 18:04:20 UTC
My wife is an Administrator for a high school.

I asked her and she said these were three of her best ones in over 30 years in education :

Go to a bait shop and buy 200 crickets and release them in the commons area. Crickets won't multiply like roaches. She said they all appreciated this prank and no one got in trouble.

A student's father owned a construction company. They took the fathers lift/crane and put discarded or used tires all the way up the flagpole to the top with it. No one got in trouble on this one.

Another student put an ad in the paper as AN ESTATE FOR SALE BY OWNER. He described the school as having a indoor swimming pool, outdoor tennis courts, track, how many bathrooms, bedrooms (classrooms), weight rooms, basketball court, large yard, state of the art kitchen, "close to schools", personal office, etc etc.......let your imagination fly!!! Put the main phone number in the paper with the principal's extension #. A reasonably low price, 1,mil.......generated tons of calls to the principal. She liked that one the best, she said. Awarded for most creative.

ok, that's my wife's ideas. Have fun.
2007-05-16 02:12:02 UTC
this is a prank performed everyyear by the student there is a city water fountain across the street each year mr bubble and his freinds acidentily get poured into the fountain . hehe a few boxes makes lots of bubbles , this is a good one no doubt about it , no lasting damge nothig to clean up and greta visual appeal that makes everyone smile
guy f
2007-05-15 17:55:24 UTC
getting 5 chikens and labeling them 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 so the people in the school will think there is another chicken but there won't be

putting gold fish in the toilets, or releasing crickets or some type of annoying bugs into the school
2007-05-19 16:51:04 UTC
If there's some way to access the schools PA system, pre-record a mans voice who claims to be your principal (and if possible sounds like him) proposing marriage to one of the female teachers (...a teacher that no one in their right mind would ever propose to, much less talk to.) All you need is about 20 seconds to pull it off.
2007-05-15 18:05:28 UTC
for starters dont tell everyone what your doing... if you have a weak link in the crew get rid of he/she or expect someone to snitch...i went to school in braintree,ma and for senior prank week we had stink bombs, chickens running on the third floor, locker tippings, senior late day-everyone came in late...silly string and shaving cream staff parking lot.. oh i also heard we had a pig in the principles office but never comfirmed... but on grad. day we had beach balls going around, blow horns, people came late so when they arrived they arrived we jumped up and yelled, water ballons.. it was awesome!! the grad was longer than normal because they kept stopping to tell us if we dont start acting like adults we will not proceed with the grad... just have fun...dont ruin you day..let me know how it went
2007-05-15 17:56:21 UTC
Switch cables on all the computers in a classroom so that the keyboard from one workstation controls another etc. etc.

Have fun!
2007-05-17 13:08:47 UTC
LOL the catergory 'seniors' is meant for the eldery, not highschool ppl
2007-05-18 06:06:09 UTC
put racoons in lockers. it works well
2007-05-16 15:51:43 UTC

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