This is what I got out of the above quoted video :
* A lot of the people interviewed did not know (understand) what they were campaigning for.
For example : When asked by the very objective and patient young interviewer to state Where in the 'Obama health bill' it is mentioned that old people will be euthanised (because they are no longer a benefit to the economy) they were unable to quote a paragraph to justify their argument.
* The majority of the campaigners relied on / quoted FOX news for reliable information.
Citizens of other nations on Earth view FOX News to be a joke. It sensationalises and exaggerates 'news'.
Who owns FOX News by the way ?
* The majority of those interviewed/campaigning were comfortably off or rather wealthy And able to afford health insurance. These 'comfortably off' people do not seem to know the true statistics of USA wealth demographics. What's more they appear to have no understanding of what living 'below the poverty line' would be like. Nor how some people/families can get trapped there and not be able to live a comfortable life/realise the 'American dream'/afford their own health insurance, because they battle chronic health concerns from early in life.
The wealthy people of USA need to wake up.
You can tell the character of a country by the way it treats those who can not and will not look after themselves.