who agrees..........?
2008-03-30 11:08:19 UTC
I'm not trying to be a young ***** about this but I really think that old people, or should I say...senior citizens should have certain times of the day they should be able to drive...for instance, when we are trying to go to work in the morning then we get stuck behind an old person going 35 in a 50 mph zone!! or when we get off work and wanna get home they just add to the traffic jams....idk maybe im wrong, but what do you think??
32 answers:
2008-03-30 11:25:25 UTC
I am old and I agree. Why are old people out driving around in rush hour traffic???? I have deliveries to make, and everyone is in my way, old people, female asians, both men and women on cellphones, and idiot teenage girls. I have time constraints! I have places to go and things to do, and I'm honking at YOU! I have to get my job done!

If they can't handle their car at the speed limit or 5-10 over they should not be in rush hour traffic.

I think cops should ticket people for lounging and loafing when they impede traffic. I'm in my 60's. I'm going to die! I don't have time for stargazers, daydreamers, old inbetweeners, and drooping streamers.

I'm 5-10 over with no ticket in ten years, and no acident in 30 years. I've been in the flow of rush hour for 16 years. Keeps me quick! Alzheimers wil have a hard time catching up with me.

Lets move it along out there.
curious connie
2008-03-30 13:08:33 UTC
I disagree. I drive the speed limit when it is safe to do so. Other drivers of all ages pass me dozens of times. I have driven for 50 years and my last ticket was in 1982, for speeding ten miles over the speed limit. I have never been involved in an accident. I leave early to go anywhere so I don't have to worry about being late. There are many accidents on this main highway here that goes right though town. The speed limit is 45 all the way. At least 60% of the drivers speed. Again, all ages. I get in the lane I want to be in when I am going to turn and stay there. If a driver tailgates me I flash my brake lights a couple of times. If he doesn't back off I slow down. Seniors don't cause traffic jams. Accidents, road construction, and car trouble do. Age of the driver makes no difference whats so ever.
Diane M
2008-03-30 13:18:25 UTC
I dont care what a person's age is, if they are going less than the posted speed limit they need to get a ticket for obstructing traffic or inciting road rage. I wouldnt have a problem with people of all ages having to take a driver's exam every 5 years. If I was retired, I'd probably do all I could to avoid rush hour just because I hate sitting in traffic but there are going to be times that I need to be somewhere during that time. Actually the stastics show that younger drivers have more accidents than older drivers. I wish they would do something about all the people paying more attention to their cell phone or car DVD player than they are to what's going on around them as they drive.
2008-03-30 11:20:39 UTC
Sometimes we succeed without even trying. I think that either people can drive well enough to be licensed, or they don't, regardless of age. I think it's good that most states now require people of a certain age to re-take driver's exams regularly. I think, as an old guy who tends to speed, and who drives around a university campus a lot, that young drivers can be as annoying as old ones. All those college freshmen who can't figure out how to get into a parking spot without looping into the left lane and then backing in and out 3 times to get their car straight are just as frustrating when I'm late to work. Or the ones who back out without looking when I'm on the way home - thank goodness I have a horn and that they usually stop when they hear it. Or, a disproportional number of accidents are caused by teenagers and young adults - and they really add to rush hour traffic jams.

Mostly, I think that if we all gave ourselves an extra 10 minutes to get somewhere, we wouldn't be so frustrated by slow drivers, wouldn't race ahead just to wind up at a stoplight anyway, and would be a little less annoyed.

Edit: Good thinking, bean. I once got a speeding ticket in Oregon when I got frustrated with someone who'd been tailgating me for 15 minutes on a two-lane road with no shoulder, and I finally could floor it when it became 4 lanes and get away from them.
2008-03-30 13:06:20 UTC
I could say he same about young people and College.

Live near a college and cannot get out of driveway at 10 to the hour till 10 after the hour, 5 days a week, 6 am to 6 pm. (20 min an hour lost each hour for 12 hours a day (240 min a day? (4 hours each day 20 hours a week, waiting on youth to get in and out of college classes)

Oh, God help us if you all have a ball game that week night Friday or Saturday night.

Have even had cars parked in my driveway or blocking my driveway because they could not find a place closer to stadium to park?
2008-03-30 12:16:04 UTC
I was sitting in a left turn lane on Easter evening waiting for the light to turn when my car was side-swiped. The culprit driver immediately sped up and ran. Suddenly, I morphed into Wonder Granny and took off in hot pursuit. Unfortunately, I'm not prone to speeding, so even though I was exceeding the speed limit, I lost him in a sea of traffic.

During the hot pursuit, my sidekick, Super Twenty-something (my daughter) had called 911 to report our hit and run. A few minutes later, the police called her back and told us to drive about five miles down the road where we would see five police cars with flashing lights. When we got there, we were informed that a Super Grandpa had not been squeamish about speeding and had chased down the evil driver and reported his license plate number to the police.

The evil driver was 19, no operator's permit, no insurance, drunk, and in possession of a couple of grocery bags full of contraband which was being loading into police cars along with its hand-cuffed owner.

Now I don't know about you, but I'd much rather be a little late because someone's driving a little slow than to have my property damaged, have to pay a deductible to have my car repaired, and spend time in court to testify against the evil one.

As far as the grocery store goes, give me four old people instead of one tired mom with three grumpy, whiney children in front of me in line.
2008-03-30 16:10:22 UTC
Would you please list the hours that would be appropriate for seniors to drive? Some people work 9-5 jobs. Others work factory jobs that start anywhere from 6a.m. to 8a.m. There are also those who work shift work and start in the afternoon or late night. Many people work weekends. Even if you don't have an answer for me, you might want to think about it so that you don't get in anyone's way when you are a senior.
sage seeker
2008-03-30 13:06:07 UTC
Who agrees? Young people should learn how to spell.

OK, in answer to your question, I work FT and definitely have no intention of being restricted to certain driving times. In my area it is the young ones who are causing all the fatalities in accidents and other serious smashups. Many of you have never learned the rules of the road and drive recklessly. Restrictions on driving times have been levied against the younger drivers. Additionally recent studies showed that senior drivers for the most part were the safest drivers on the road today. So yes, you are wrong - not to mention selfish in that you expect those who may cause you an inconvenience to just 'disappear'.

I find that people of varied ages drive slowly...probably because they are scared crapless by the tailgaters and speeders that abound on the roads today.
2008-03-30 11:20:45 UTC
I'm a senior citizen. I've had 1 moving violation and NO accidents, and I drive the speed limit (ok, a bit above it). Am I wrong to be nervous when I see "youngsters" driving while texting? That makes me a hell of a lot more nervous than occasionally having to drive below the speed limit. And guess what? There are a lot more accidents attributed to those who drive and text.
2008-03-30 11:34:41 UTC
I know,you'd think with all our experience at the back of a wheel,thirty years in a truck,we;d be able to drive as well as you young ones.

The 50mph is the maximum speed,not the mandatory speed. I'm guessing the time your going to work is rush hour,so if you can do anywhere near 50 at that time your either very lucky,or very reckless.

I also don't believe senior drivers,who have no need to go out at rush hour,do so.
2008-03-30 11:18:59 UTC
Shorty .... not to give you a smart @ss answer .... but in my humble opinion it is MUCH safer for ANYONE to drive 35 mph in a 50 mph zone than to see someone driving 70 mph in a 50 mph zone .....

You are only suppose to drive the speed that is SAFE ... no matter what the posted speed limit is. It depends upon traffic conditions, road conditions, pedestrian's in the area, etc. At least it is that way in our state of California.

So the real 'simple' answer to your question would be .... leave a few minutes earlier .... get there safe and sound. ;-)
2008-03-30 14:41:37 UTC
Poor planning on your part does not make an emergency for a senior.

You sound like an up tight A list an-l retentive personality.

Get help, you cause accidents and since you are far down the road when they happen you don't even know it. It's the time of day not the people driving.
Sgt Big Red
2008-03-30 11:41:04 UTC
Ever hear of the 'CAR POOL LANE" that's why we older folks have paid higher taxes all these years, so people who are in a rush can get there quicker and save fuel.

I live in Florida and maybe, just maybe, once or twice a year I might get behind someone like that, so I don't know where you live, but you might try moving closer to work, or move work closer to you.

And besides, thanks to the current economy and higher taxes, many seniors HAVE to commute to low paying jobs just like everybody else to make ends meet.

Leave early, slow down, enjoy the ride, enjoy a cup of coffee because you have many many more years of commuting ahead of you. If things keep going the way they are, you may have to commute to 2 jobs.
2008-03-30 11:41:52 UTC
There are a lot of bad drivers on the road, in all age groups.. Thankfully, or regrettably, in the next 20 years all of this will be a non issue as cars will be driving themselves.
2008-03-30 11:19:20 UTC
Shorty~ I think it is ones own choice

whether to drive..we have all kinds out there on the roads.

The highways & roads are just like anything else even Y/A if you get enough violations you get your number taken away.

Have a G☺☺d Day~
2008-03-30 14:12:58 UTC
who agrees..........not I... not at do not have to to try or not try to be a young ***** a ***** is a dog.....I have not met one yet that could drive and you can type too so your not a *****.....a lot of seniors still work and I would have to believe they are not out on the freeways , highways and streets just to annoy you they have a purpose to be out there....I do not think a gang of senior citizens call each other and say hey lets go driving during rush hour to slow it down even more....Whatever your smoking send some my way....
2008-03-30 11:33:46 UTC
I do not agree with you. We all have a right to be on the road whenever we feel like it, despite our age. Maybe you should get an earlier start each day, then you won't be in such a hurry to get to work. Traffic jams are inevitable, so learn to grin & bare it, & stop blaming it all on Seniors. If you have grandparents, run this question by them & wait for their reply.
2008-03-30 11:29:25 UTC
I don't like it when I am driving the speed limit of 45 mph and someone younger behind me is on my tail wanting me to go 80 mph in the 45 mph zone! What happens if I have to break suddenly??? If you need to get somewhere quick...LEAVE EARLIER......DUH !!!!
2008-03-30 11:16:55 UTC
And what other predjudiced to you have against your fellow man? Don't leave for work so late and you won't have to rush. Senior citizens don't add to traffic jams....lots of people going places add to traffic jams or people who are in such a big hurry and not driving safely cause fender benders and cause traffic jams.
2008-03-30 11:12:30 UTC
No. Dont agree. If they are in excellent health, the seniors can dirve. and keep up with the speed limit. If they can't ( then Yes they shoud not drive.

All can drive.if healthy do keep up with the speed limits, . Some are in better health , than most youngsters.
2008-03-30 16:37:07 UTC
I don't agree. You are welcome to leave your house earlier in order to allow enough time to get to work.

Maybe there should be a law that states, "People who have a lack of patience or who think 'old people' are less than others, should not be given a license."

This sounds like another case of "It's all about me."
2008-03-30 11:17:59 UTC
you know, I can't stand being behind people who SERIOUSLY cannot follow the speed limit signs, but guess what? those people probably have no tickets. their insurance is probably dirt cheap. and there's a reason for it. I also cannot stand people who ride my *** because I don't go fast enough for them. if I see someone following too closely to me to make me go faster, I actually SLOW DOWN to piss them off. no way am I going to speed up and get a ticket for someone else. get over yourself. if it's that big of a problem (being late for work) leave sooner. as for the way home, find a different route where you can do 90 and hope you don't smash into a tree.
2008-03-30 12:46:30 UTC
you were not aware the most cities paid senior to drive these speeds these times -- they are called moving speed bumps!!!
2008-03-30 12:01:21 UTC
I did that for years riding behind your school bus !!!!! Give me the same consideration !!!
2008-03-30 11:14:51 UTC
I semi agree, there are a loottt of senior citizen related accidents out there! lets face it, your getting older, your reflexes and your sight and just your thought process in general isnt as sharp as it used to be! i think everyone over a certain age (lets sayy 65ish?) should be RETESTED, theyre licenses shouldn't be taken away! but they should definetly be retested to see if they are still capable of driving!
2008-03-30 11:13:08 UTC
That's a little mean but they should have to drive the speed limit
2008-03-30 12:01:02 UTC
Its better to be late than DEAD on time.
2008-03-30 11:12:23 UTC
I think that once you reach 65 all senior citizens should be given actual drining tests in order to renew their drivers license. I have 9 years left to annoy you!
2008-03-30 11:24:59 UTC
today when me and my partner were trying to get a car wash this old lady cut in front of us and our daughter was screaming in the back of the car she tapped on our window and had a go at US for being in front of her!! my partner had right go at her and she looked at us like we were 5. old people annoy me alot,at the gym when iv got back from work and i have to wait an hour to get on the running machine when they could have gone in the afternoon. or at work when they moan that i cant sell them the right colour flannel!!i mean come on its just a flannel! my mother is 53 and i can just start to see some old doddery traits coming through in her personality, i hope i stay sane!!
2008-03-30 12:21:49 UTC
You ask 'who agrees.....'

I do NOT
2008-03-30 12:35:58 UTC
T.B.S.S.,G F Y !
2008-03-30 11:11:49 UTC

have you noticed how they are always in front of you at the supermarket on Sunday morning when they have all week to go there?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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