I was sitting in a left turn lane on Easter evening waiting for the light to turn when my car was side-swiped. The culprit driver immediately sped up and ran. Suddenly, I morphed into Wonder Granny and took off in hot pursuit. Unfortunately, I'm not prone to speeding, so even though I was exceeding the speed limit, I lost him in a sea of traffic.
During the hot pursuit, my sidekick, Super Twenty-something (my daughter) had called 911 to report our hit and run. A few minutes later, the police called her back and told us to drive about five miles down the road where we would see five police cars with flashing lights. When we got there, we were informed that a Super Grandpa had not been squeamish about speeding and had chased down the evil driver and reported his license plate number to the police.
The evil driver was 19, no operator's permit, no insurance, drunk, and in possession of a couple of grocery bags full of contraband which was being loading into police cars along with its hand-cuffed owner.
Now I don't know about you, but I'd much rather be a little late because someone's driving a little slow than to have my property damaged, have to pay a deductible to have my car repaired, and spend time in court to testify against the evil one.
As far as the grocery store goes, give me four old people instead of one tired mom with three grumpy, whiney children in front of me in line.