Fellow Boomers: How long do you plan to keep working? Choice, or necessity?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Fellow Boomers: How long do you plan to keep working? Choice, or necessity?
Fourteen answers:
2007-05-14 12:33:04 UTC
I am going on 66...I have no intentions of ever do what??? Sit around and complain that there is nothing to do??? No way! I love what I do, talk to people from all over the world, if I do not feel like going "in" to work, I don't.

At my age, I will collect my first full social security check this month. At some age, you qualify for full SS pay AND you can earn whatever you want with NO deductions from your ss check..for me, that was 65yrs + 7 months.

And to those who think we are selfish to continue working, I say phooey on you...get your own job, just like I did. I do not need to retire so that someone else can work!

I have seen far too many people retire, have nothing to do, and go all but crazy. And, I have seen far too many people literally die of boredom. I suppose it would be a different story if I did not like my job, but I find it hard to believe that anyone my age would even consider working at a job they didn't love. Good luck
2007-05-14 06:14:08 UTC
I AM not actually a boomer, I was born in 1936 and I will be 71 this year. I am at work right now. I will work as long as I am able out of necessity. My wife and I both draw social security and I even have a part time job. One day my fellow employees will think I am taking a nap at my desk and I will be "home with the Lord" I would like to retire, but I don't think I can afford to. I don't make much money here, by modern day standards, but it does keep me active and out of trouble. I work for my brother who will probably retire before I do.
2016-10-05 05:18:21 UTC
Your question reinforces something.. Being old does no longer assure good judgment or rational thinking. in case you p.c. to stick to the herd of inflexible and pretend thinking that "ALL LIBERALS ARE LAZY".. be my concentrated visitor. i could regulate your analogy to conservatives who flinch every time they hear the word think of??
2007-05-14 16:17:04 UTC
I worked just enough years to earn Social Security benefits (10years), and have been a homemaker ever since (27 years). I am now old enough to begin collecting reduced benefits, but my younger husband makes too much money. I would have to pay 80% of my benefits back in taxes. I will wait until he decides to retire (in about 10 years), and then we can both collect.
2007-05-14 16:14:20 UTC
I'm retiring this May 31. Age 64. Having physical problems doing my job. Not plannimng on working except maybe something part time.
2007-05-14 13:38:23 UTC
My retirement fund service has a site for calculating retirement needs. It says there is no scenario on earth in which I can ever afford to retire! I assumed as much, but it was depressing to see it in writing.
2007-05-14 13:05:37 UTC

Well I'm retiring June 8 2007

2007-05-14 12:04:31 UTC
I will work probably until I die, in part out of necessity--lack of financial resources--and in part out of wanting to have a point to my days. If my resources were larger, I am sure that it would be easier to have a point to the day without work.
2007-05-14 09:47:32 UTC
I plan on working my current "job" until I reach a certain amount in my savings account. Once I reach that point, I plan to find a line of work I really enjoy doing and plan on doing that on a part time basis for about five years. Then, I'm going to chunk it all, take a trip around the world and when I get back home, I'm going to find myself a brand new shopping cart to push around. I do know for sure that I'm not going to do the Nursing Home gig. When I reach that point, I'm going to climb into my shopping cart and cross an Interstate highway during rush hour traffic.
2007-05-14 08:02:34 UTC
At 53, I am just kicking in. I am smarter, wiser, and certainly more aware of what needs to get done.

I have so much to accomplish that retiring is not even an option. I feel like a kid. I jump out of bed to see how far I can leap. I dance around while I clean house. I refuse to 'act old' by complaining about aches and pains.

I need to work because it is good to work. It keeps me sharp, on the edge, and provides unending satisfaction.

I love going the extra-mile and making others look good.

To me, not applying what I know today is letting life pass me by. I didn't spend all this time and effort to get here just to sit down and do nothing!
2007-05-14 12:24:19 UTC
When you are young you always plan to retire early. But reality creeps in, it is not possible for most people.
2007-05-15 17:36:11 UTC
My work is play and in my play I create incomes for people, not JOBs......Just Over Broke. So I plan to work/play consistantly forever.
2007-05-14 06:11:24 UTC
Sorry Granny, work is for those who lack creativity and drive. There should be MANDATORY retirement. Our youth need jobs. You think it's pride, I think it's embarrassing. RETIRE. I plan to retire, no, I will retire at 55 and my calender is booked until I turn 80.
2007-05-15 15:09:49 UTC
10 years till mtge is paid....x screwed me over financially

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