How do older people feel about only having young-looking avatars to choose from?
2007-05-12 18:18:51 UTC
How do older people feel about only having young-looking avatars to choose from?
Sixteen answers:
Clare †
2007-05-14 05:42:38 UTC
Well, let's see. By looking at my avatar, do you think I'm a pale blue-eyed blonde with short hair and glasses? Just happens that I am (in fact it's a close resemblance -- except wrinkles, of course!), but I could as easily have given my avatar long brown curly locks and brown eyes, and ditched the glasses entirely.

To me, that's part of the fun of avatars. It's a make-believe persona -- as close to a likeness as you want, or completely different. I'm not sure I'd like to see what Y! would come up with in terms of older faces, either.

I look at it this way; I can go on aging, but my avatar won't! Beats plastic surgery.
2007-05-13 18:48:40 UTC
I picked an avatar that looks exactly like a picture I have of me, and I put the gray highlights in her hair. I use my Yahoo!Answers award for category excellence as my avatar on Y!A.
2007-05-13 19:10:25 UTC
I use my own pic for just that reason...I certainly do not want anyone thinking I am a child or young. I crossed that bridge of the avatar long ago. Good question
2007-05-16 05:15:25 UTC
Relativity. I know some people in their 60s and 70s younger than others in their 30's.

Your essence will never change. If you are an old fart in your 20s you'll be an old fart in your 60s. If you are young and adventurous in your 20s you will be the same in your 60s.

Many young avitars know this already. Who wants to be with an old fart regardless of their age?
2007-05-15 21:53:42 UTC
It would be nice if there were avatars that reflected age a little bit; I'm 52, and I worked HARD to get here!!!
2007-05-13 01:30:29 UTC
I still think of myself as the "young me." I think most people do as they get older, they don't think of themselves as old people even though you know your getting older, you're still you.So you pick an avatar that fits u.
Pat C
2007-05-15 07:04:30 UTC
It seems like a silly thing to bother yourself with. Create your own. That's what I did. I certainly don't look like a young chick.
2007-05-14 04:34:22 UTC
I thought those avatars all had a face lift!
2007-05-13 19:07:56 UTC
I don't know, a pencil-necked old cowboy is usually a pencil-necked old cowboy at 35. So getting on to 70 don't make you anything but a pencil-necked old cowboy, anyways.
Gypsy Gal
2007-05-13 21:37:53 UTC
Interesting question and I am a senior but never gave it a thought till now PONDER?
2007-05-13 07:00:10 UTC
I felt a little excluded but then I decided I was being over-sensitive.
2007-05-13 04:41:58 UTC
they have gray hair avatars!
2007-05-13 21:02:25 UTC
It's discrimination. This is why I use a pic of myself.
2007-05-14 04:37:05 UTC
it sux
2007-05-13 12:28:17 UTC
good point,,,,
Dear John,
2007-05-13 01:26:40 UTC
well, are you old????

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.