The longest I went by car was to Oklahoma from Oregon. We
covered several states and were in sweltering heat, alot of
the time. My father had the foresight to buy a window hugging
air conditioner. We had to stop often and put ice in it, to blow
cool air out. My mom had to drape a towell over her window
where the a/c was, to keep the sun from burning her shoulder.
We had to stop for water, at an old farmhouse with a wind-
mill, on a desolate road. Luckily they gave us what we needed. We also had a water bag that hung in front of the
grill, and it had to be filled to keep water in the radiator. We
left a very mild summer behind us, and traveled through alot
of hot country before we got back home. I was not quite 5,
and that trip made an indelible mark on my memory.