Teens = a miasma of misery and confusion
20's = experiementing with life, but still miserable and no confidence
30's = slowly gaining skills and self-esteem and starting to work towards goals
40's = completion of goals before the bottom fell out of my life (everything EXCEPT health. Economy collapsed wrecking our savings and getting me laid off, child diagnosed schizophrenic, husband lost business and abandoned us, no one was hiring, I had to declare bankruptcy)
50's = started practicing Buddhism and getting a grip on how I handle my emotions. Partial recovery psychologically and somewhat financially. Daughter stabilized on psychiatric medications. Genetic predisposition to heart problems came home to roost = became partially debilitated (still able to work my low-paying job, but no energy left for a life of my own . only what I had internally).
60's = inner life gets better every year, conditions of outer life matter less and less. Although now that I am retired, I no longer have to drag myself into work, and have a bit of energy for things that matter personally.
Invest in your INNER life. It is the only thing you are guaranteed to have for as long as you live.
And as you age, and health, finances, love, reputation all start to retreat, all you HAVE is whatever you have cultivated inwardly.
Happiness is a state of mind. Which means that it does not rely on anything external.