What is it like to ride a transit bus in your area?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What is it like to ride a transit bus in your area?
26 answers:
2008-01-12 21:31:35 UTC
Lonely! Our town council decided to invest in huge, wheelchair accessible buses. It isn't at all unusual to be the only passenger aboard a bus on any one of the five routes, one of which goes right past our house from the downtown core.

On the plus side, though, our street is one of the first ploughed after a snowfall. And one of the first cleaned up in spring. We just wish council had considered getting those modern compact buses, also with wheelchair access. The letters to the editor, complaining of this waste of tax dollars, get just a bit repetitious.

Judith H
2008-01-12 22:41:59 UTC
I have to ride the bus as my mode of transportation. I have never seen anyone with a mattress(I don't think it is allowed), but I have seen more than one with cans. Some have bikes, which attach to the front of the bus. Sometimes, routes have alot of people in them. I try to go when the bus won't have alot of people(like early in the day). Thanks for asking. This is in the OC (Orange County, Ca)
Grandma D
2008-01-12 21:14:54 UTC
I have taken my grand daughters on bus rides in my area just because they like to ride. There do seem to be some strange people who ride buses, but there are also some very nice people. We just stay to ourselves. It costs me $3.00 for the three of us to ride, so we don't do it often. I have a car, and $3.00 in gas takes me anywhere I need to go as a rule.
2008-01-13 07:00:36 UTC
I'm usually thrown 'under the bus'.
2008-01-12 23:46:18 UTC
We have a bus that goes to our nearest town some 12 miles away - there and back - TWICE A WEEK!

It also delivers items from village to village from folk, has had a child delivered on it and can be depended on to supply all the gossip that you can possible cope with!

All for Two pounds fifty round trip!

RT 66
2008-01-12 21:41:57 UTC
I've carried furniture onto the bus when I've had no other option. It's transportation, inexpensive (when you can afford the day trip fare) and gets reasonably close to a desired destination.
2008-01-12 21:15:44 UTC
Around here it's a ball and just about what your life is worth.

Most certainly not like it was when I was younger. But I can elbow my way through it if I have to!
2008-01-12 21:13:43 UTC
Holy Moly!!!....I'd better get to bed. I thought you said that they "got it on" on the mattress.

To answer your question: We don't have transit buses in our area. I live in a rural area in Northren NY/aka Hicksville.

"Greyhound" doesn't even come here any longer. :((
2008-01-12 21:13:32 UTC
I don't think that you would see that in my city... at least I hope not.
2008-01-13 00:57:36 UTC
Ours is a little village picks up Mrs Godfrey by the telephone box( her little dog smells gross if its been raining), Old Dan by the pub and Mrs Wainwright outside her house.One day, wow this is exciting, it overtook old Hetty Bamford who was cycling to her grand daughters up Wet Lane.
2008-01-13 18:46:45 UTC
How do I ride a transit bus? Well, let's

see. We now have GREEN buses, so

we don't have to step up, we just walk

straight on-board. Next Tues. I will be

going up to Eureka and the last time I

got on it was $1.80 /one way for Seniors.

It may have gone up since then.

Then I ride North and look out at

the Ocean as I go, and the seagulls,

and the North and South Spit and

the shallow "bar" where the ships come in, and I look over to the pulp mill

where wood chips are made into pulp

and get put on a ship to China and

come back as cardboard.

Then I get off at the Bayshore Mall

where we connect to all the city buses.

I get on the bus called "purple" and

go out to all the doctor's offices.

I know almost all the drivers and a lot

of the riders. It's fun when we pass

by the Redwood College and all the

students are getting on.

We have discounted prices for students, Seniors and disabled. We have lift platforms for wheelchairs and

the drivers even get off and help mothers with babies in strollers.

All the drivers are good humored, even

when the pot smokers reek to high

heaven and you can get hi just sitting

next to them. But all in all, it's an

enjoyable ride.
2016-04-05 03:30:30 UTC
RTD (Regional Transportation District, even though a lot of people think it's Rapid Transit Denver) And, I suppose, the answer is yes, twice, but both times by mistake. The first time, I was in Denver shortly after they had opened their light-rail service, and I didn't see where I needed to buy a ticket. Didn't have any problems, though, and just got off. The second time, I had bought a ten-ride ticket book but didn't realize I needed to validate it at the light-rail station, and got a written warning for an unvalidated ticket.
2008-01-13 12:50:54 UTC
I have never rode the bus, but one time we did go downtown and we rode the metro rail.

There were a few teenagers sitting near the back and we sat in the seats across the isle from them. I saw my husband doing funny faces and looking at them, and I asked him what was wrong, he said nothing. but I knew something was up.

So I finally looked over at them. one of the girls had a RAT and was playing with it. Well the thing is I have a phobia, about Rats, and hate being near or seeing them terribly. I nearly died of a heart attack and wanted to get away from there so badly. we did move forward, but it was a while before we got to our stop and I was a nervous wreck knowing that that Rat was on the metro. I have never rode it again and never will.
Southern Comfort
2008-01-13 12:22:02 UTC
The bus system is terrific in Jacksonville, Fl as preiously stated. I like to take the grandchildren downtown and take the skyway express across the river and a river taxi (boat) back for a fun adventure. It helps the museum and planetarium are beside the river to with a nice wide place to walk and sit.
2008-01-12 21:12:26 UTC
I went on one in San Francisco..not the ones here but hey same side of the country same ocean same 60 minute drive to SF.

It was cool and packed with people. People of San Francisco and tourists so there'd be people carrying giftbags or something.

Over here I've seen so many people bring a mini rolling suitcase and wait at the bus-stop. Guess their on vaca or something.
Wrong number
2008-01-12 21:19:18 UTC
I don't know, I've never been on one. I have seen them stop for people at the bus stops and from what I've seen, I wouldn't be afraid to ride one. I would sit up front though if possible near the driver.
2008-01-13 18:04:29 UTC
Norfolk/Chesapeak/Virginia Beach. It took me 3 hours to go from the Norfolk Naval Station to about 1/2 mile from my home...distance: about 25 miles. This area is TERRIBLE for mass transportation.
2008-01-12 21:02:05 UTC
2008-01-13 15:33:09 UTC
With transfers, it takes an hour to get somewhere that only takes 5min in the car.
2008-01-12 21:18:45 UTC
LOL! Sounds like NY. People get on public transportation with anything these days. T.V.'s, office furniture, boxes, bags of clothing, shopping carts, etc. you name it!
2008-01-13 10:12:37 UTC
Actually, I find it comfortable and relaxing. Safer than if I were driving.
2008-01-13 14:52:09 UTC
I don't know - I have never ridden on the bus!
Granny 1
2008-01-12 21:59:24 UTC
Interesting to say the least.
2008-01-13 07:50:44 UTC
It is noisy ,dirty,stinky, and way over crowded. Avoid them as much as possible.
2008-01-12 21:05:43 UTC
It's like a freek show.
2008-01-12 23:00:40 UTC

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