With all due respect to Katetrin, I have to say, that:-
1) Some questions only need a few words for the answer, by virtue of the very fact and nature of the question asked, and it may not require a long ramble.
2) What I see posted in "Other Cultures and Groups" is pretty darn disgusting and they get away with it. Why?
3) Seniors are very well behaved incomparison to these other groups.
4) Open forums are, open forums, and I do think people are entitled to answer the way they like. For instance if someone asks "Have you ever flown in a Airforce Jet?". My answer would be, "no, but it would be an exciting experience". What more can I say? Yes there are some people who just anser with a 'huh'. Perhaps they just don't undersatnd the question, and should learn to express that.
5) What you are suggesting, by implication, is that we now bring in rules of "what" questions we will be allowed to answer, and and "what questions, we can't answer".
6) If I am on a blog site, and I have to be scared about answering some questions, because they are not long rambles of information, then I may as well go to another site.
7) Having some fun and entertainment on the site is one of the joys of being here. As well as learning things.
8) This is not a University or a classroom. It is and should be, a place where people are at liberty to say what they want, ask what they want, as long as there is no abuse being thrown at other members, no swear words, and no base disgusting questions and answers. Like on some other site, again, I say, and they get away with it. Can you tell me why?