Away ye go McTeacl - you are ever and will ever be a warrior.
Let na lassie come between ye and your clan - if it was never meant ta be, it was never going ta be.
I could na more stop my own heart beating than stop that which is within ye and was the thing that made me follow you over the moors and heather.
I set you free Brave McTealc - I will not fight agin you but I'll no fight agin ma ain - we have come to the partin o' the ways fer the two o' us McTealc - and I will do whit you have taught me to do - I'll walk away wi' ne'er a tear in ma eye but a deep, deep wound in ma heart.
Tis better ta hae loved and lost then ne'er to hae loved at all!
Farewell Brave McTealc - I will always think fondly o' my bonny brave soldier!
Ye'll nae be seeing the Clan MacIver on the field o' battle - no through cowardice but through respect fer the man y'are!
And farewell frame the wee beasties who grew strong under your stout arm of protection - we salute ye!