Building on a question asked by a Senior regarding "Have you made arrangements for your pets?"?
RT 66
2008-06-22 05:51:15 UTC
The question originally posted regarded whether we have made arrangements for our pets after our own death. My question is, have you considered what to do with your pet upon its death? We always had arrangements regarding our critters demise, except the last one that passed extremely young and I had to improvise as I had expected her to live out her life expectancy of approximately 13-15 years for her breed. We cremated most of our critters, including my late husband's beloved horse "Crystal" and buried many other in pet cemetaries. Only one expecially beloved dog was cremated and her ashes remain with a her boy who plans to have them spred with his own ashes no matter how many years away that may be...his decision, not mine (it was his dog after all). Sadly, fish were all given "burials at sea" via the toilet ... it took a while to explain the process to the child about how the fish would actually make it to the sea. So, have you made "arrangements" for your beloved pet?
Ten answers:
2008-06-22 11:55:09 UTC
I had a friend request that his ashes be scattered in the same canyon where he had scattered his dogs ashes and that request was honored. His widows ashes will also be scattered there. My pets will all be buried beneath an ancient Mesquite tree out here on the ranch. I would like my ashes to be released in a Texas Dust Storm because I have always believed "If you can't whip e'm , join e'm." My Dear Mother wanted this tombstone inscription " From Dust Ye Came, and To Dust Ye Must Return, Blow Damn You, Blow "
2008-06-22 13:30:02 UTC
We also are to be cremated, my daughter has promised no matter who goes first their ashes will be kept along with the ashes of our pets then all of the ashes will be taken to a mountain area where there are lots of trees and the ashes spread together. This includes 7 dogs, our cats, and a pet snake. There are at this time only two cats left but our dogs and other cats and the snake all lived very long lives. The youngest to die was one of our Irish Setters who developed a fast moving cancer, she was 13. The snake whos normal life span was 8-9 years in capitivity 3-4 in the wild, made it to 13 too. Our vet was totally amazed. The others ranged from 14 to 18. We have two cats now Miss Jenna the Mean is 5years (shes a fighter and pulls legs off water bugs but leaves them alive for us to deal with) and Miss Meow Meow the shoulder baby (I just changed her name from Little Bit not so little anymore) is about 2.
2016-05-23 07:33:18 UTC
not sure what you mean "fair". Fair depends on what her husband's income was, I mean he's a wealthy guy, probably wouldn't miss $50M but usually in a divorce the money goes for the child. A woman gets alimony only if she had no income or job of her own and Heather does have a career of her own. But probably their tax system would take half of that, and I don't know if $25M would keep that child in the style she is accustomed to (probably had a huge house, nanny, clothes, toys, education, transportation) and I'm sure McCartney would wish his child to keep living in luxury. I'm not sure if the courts would allow Heather to revisit the court if her child needed more or not. I would think yes. I know Heather asked for more money, and got less. She wanted more security for her and her daughter.
2008-06-22 14:47:27 UTC
No, I haven't. We have 3 dogs & 2 cats (all rescues) & we just asked someone who takes in cats about them on Fri.

One of our dogs is a pit bull who is great with people, but not other pets. I've been working on a home for her for the last year. I have another year to try. The other 2 are another pit (who looks & acts like a yellow lab ) & a Ger Shep mix. We're taking off in an RV in about a year & plan on taking them with us. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I don't care about arrangements for after they're dead. I don't care about mine. The body's just a shell for the soul. My worst fear for my pets is will that they will out-live me & no one will care for them as I do.
2008-06-22 06:54:41 UTC
We will most likely bury our dog with in the same pet cemetery as our other dog, a beloved border collie who lived to be 16.
2008-06-22 08:53:10 UTC
Pet cemetaries are an arm and a leg and a tail where I live so when and Jazzy goes before me, I'll talk to my vet to have her burried like I did with my other cat QP.
2008-06-22 07:53:54 UTC
We have a little pet cemetery on our land. My beloved Lucy and Smokey are there now. My wish is to have my ashes spread over them when I pass. My two current pups if they go before, me will be there too. ,
2008-06-22 07:40:51 UTC
Mine have been cremated and there ashes spinkled in a orchard that allows that here. i know it is silly but at least I feel they are together that way.
Ya Ya Vegas
2008-06-22 06:02:59 UTC
My daughter will continue the care of our family pet.

It is why I haven't gotton another.

He was my major concern. Didn't want him to go to another home.
2008-06-22 16:42:15 UTC
I don't have any pets now, they all died.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.