The question originally posted regarded whether we have made arrangements for our pets after our own death. My question is, have you considered what to do with your pet upon its death? We always had arrangements regarding our critters demise, except the last one that passed extremely young and I had to improvise as I had expected her to live out her life expectancy of approximately 13-15 years for her breed. We cremated most of our critters, including my late husband's beloved horse "Crystal" and buried many other in pet cemetaries. Only one expecially beloved dog was cremated and her ashes remain with a her boy who plans to have them spred with his own ashes no matter how many years away that may be...his decision, not mine (it was his dog after all). Sadly, fish were all given "burials at sea" via the toilet ... it took a while to explain the process to the child about how the fish would actually make it to the sea. So, have you made "arrangements" for your beloved pet?