joe B
2012-03-06 09:41:37 UTC
I am an 18 year old boy, and I always make sure to hold the door if someone is walking through it after me. Recently, while my acting class ended, I was exiting a room, while two old ladies, one of whom was disabled, were coming towards it. I held the door. They just walked through and gave no sign of appreciation whatsoever! Then an old man was also coming, so I held the door again. He gave no more thanks than they did.
And also, I remember 5 years ago, being on a bus, with a old man who managed to have something bad to say about anyone who wasn't old! If you were a child, he would whine about you talking up the stairs, if you were a baby/mother of a baby, he'd tell you to shut up/stick a dummy in its mouth and if you were a teenager he would make remarks about your trousers and their state. He probably would also have been racist if there were black people on the bus. He also told some woman who was friendly with him, that how his grandaughter had two children- and he hadn't seen the youngest yet- well of course he hadn't! He'd tell it to shut up, and he'd tell her to stick a dummy in its mouth!!!
So, what gives these old people the right to be this way? Decent old people- this isn't to you, don't worry. And teenagers/young adults/middle-aged people, have you noticed this?