Do Seniors Know That The AARP Tricked Them With Obamacare?
Josh Mcneil
2012-09-22 13:35:38 UTC
Most seniors trust what they arer told by AARP to be "gospel". Unfortunately the very people that seniors trust at AARP in "upper management" were all along working with the Obama administration on Obamacare. AARP knows the truth that Obamacare GUTS 716 BILLION DOLLARS from MEDICARE and AARP and Pres. Obama basically LIED to the AARP members. I understand that when Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan went to speak to the AARP memebers they were boood. In all truth the AARP members should of boood Pres. Obama because of what he did to hurt the seniors and they should of appluaded Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan because they want to SAVE the MEDICARE program for seniors.
Nineteen answers:
2012-09-22 16:18:08 UTC
No senior was tricked by AARP. AARP reacted to what their members wanted, reform of the American health care system. You apparently do not know the truth about the 716 billion. The only people lying about that are Romney and Ryan. The only people being hurt are those that continue to pass around this lie. If you really want the facts here is the link to
2016-07-28 11:25:54 UTC
I believe it is the AARP's retaliation for the Medicare reforms done below Bush. Politics and nothing extra. Thing is, ask seniors on the road and you can get a whole extraordinary reply. Many seniors need to be AARP participants with a purpose to get supplemental prescription insurance at any style of "low priced" price. It nonetheless does not pay for some thing, unless you're very ill, simply more out of pocket each month.
2012-09-22 16:55:39 UTC
AARP sells Medigap policies for United Health Care.

The $716 billion is mentioned int he Paul Ryan plan also but for a different reason. The Obamacare Medicare savings if $716 billion because of changes in the Advantage plan, higher premiums for upper income people, fraud recovery. That $716 billion stays in Medicare to make it solvent longer in its current form with no cuts to benefits. The Ryan plan would give the $716 billion to insurance companies and let seniors have a pre-determined amount on a voucher to try and get care, rather than the subsidy plan we have.
2012-09-23 11:22:08 UTC
Romney and Ryan are taking the same 716 billion and giving it to the insurance companies which in turn will give us a voucher, sounds like the death panels that the righties have been accusing our President of.
2012-09-22 14:35:51 UTC
Wait a minute. For years people have been complaining about medicare and for years, some have tried to make it better only to be shut down with lies by the opposition. Find the true facts about medicare and read up about proposed changes from unbiased sources.
CO the Old Dog
2012-09-22 15:51:51 UTC
Ryan and Romney do not want to save Medicare - they want to change it. They want to create a voucher program with a max limit of usage over time. No One has a BEST solution. The GOP diluted the initial proposes that would have been better and created the monster that has been termed Obamacare which does insure many more people than ever before including many of those who previous would show up in emergency rooms which our local tax money wound up paying for.
2012-09-25 20:26:31 UTC
They lost our membership when they sided with obamacare and many others besides us dumped them. What a dumb thing to publish. Well I thank them for making their stupid choice known. Talk about having something crammed down your throat, that obamacare was. Want it or not, the dictator says you got it.
Count de Money
2012-09-22 19:32:56 UTC
AARP sells insurance; that is their only concern.
2012-09-23 05:56:51 UTC
This is nothing new to me, all my AARP mailings go right thru the shredder, I have no more interest in their misleading news. The only thing they want to do is put their hands in your wallet.
2012-09-22 17:48:28 UTC
I am NOT a member of AARP and never will be.

Believe me we know they are a scam for sure!!
2012-09-22 13:47:54 UTC
This senior has seen no affects of any alleged trickery. That 716 billion you speak of with such outrage was voted on by congress with Paul Ryan voting for it. I really hate when people post this type political rhetoric without doing a fact check.
2012-09-22 16:10:43 UTC
As soon as I learned more about AARP I distanced myself from it and I am a quarter of a century old as I speak. AARP = liberal = Democrat
2012-09-22 13:50:35 UTC
I have the same inner guidance I was born with. I was never taught to get info. from people who tried to scare people. I appreciate you trying but the only people who come around to your way of thinking are already thinking your way. All you do is help Obama because you make democrats think about what a liar people like you are & they make sure they vote. So thanks.
2012-09-22 13:39:45 UTC
Did you know that the money cut from Medicare was for superfluous, experimental treatments that didn't benefit recipients in any way? That "Obamacare" will actually extend the Medicare trust fund by about 8 years because of the necessary cuts?

Yes, Obama wanted to hurt the seniors because he is an evil, evil person, and Romney is a good, good It does you no good to simplify those you don't agree with.
2012-09-22 13:52:53 UTC
"Top Contributor of Fashion and Accessories," you're a bit over your head here in these parts. We've already seen all the campaign ads, we're sick of the lies, and they get bleeped just like this one.
2012-09-22 13:42:14 UTC
AARP has long been a political machine for liberal cause. they long ago deserted the original intent of the orginization. its a sucker pit for seniors.
2012-09-22 14:24:45 UTC
I'm sure most seniors are either unaware of this, or they are unwilling to accept this..
2012-09-22 13:44:51 UTC
Yawn. Heard it all before. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZz.
2012-09-22 13:44:39 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.