Sir Matthew Hopkins
2012-04-22 06:08:21 UTC
We get "100 days to the opening of the Olympics"
Then it's "Its 99 days 17 hours 23 minutes and 9 seconds......" etc. You get the idea.
Now it's "Will the Olympic torch be passing near you?"
I don't give a toss. It could go right past my front door, and I wouldn't even bother getting off the sofa.
Why are we so sport fixated in this damned country? Starting Friday, it's wall to wall sport until Monday evening, counting replays, highlights, replays of highlights, highlights of the replays and replays of the replays. Then repeats of the replays of the highlights of the replays!
It's enough to make me strip naked, and run through Bridlington town centre going "Aaaarrrrggghhhhhhhh!".
Except no-one would take any notice.
They'll all be inside watching bloody sport on the telly!