SC-What are your thoughts on this?
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2012-09-23 16:00:40 UTC
This video is safe to open and last a bit over 10 minutes so listen carefully..

and then tell me your thoughts..
Eighteen answers:
2012-09-23 16:11:39 UTC
My thoughts are this is what we get when we blindly accept something. This healthcare program was so long and filled with so much that hardly anyone can read through its entirety. That is what Pelosi and Obama were counting on!

Now, I hope people take this seriously and truly read the document for themselves! IF, they can get a copy.

Shouldn't we be able to have access to know, like any other document we must read and sign? Instead, it has been accepted and with doctors screaming it will reduce the quality of our medical! I do not want decreased quality of care. Even so, this is one way the government can control us and know our finances too!

Thank you, YGG for being bold enough to place this here. I hope you do not get too beat up for this as you are merely trying to get people to see what they have NOT read!
June smiles
2012-09-24 08:49:12 UTC
As a medical professional, I saw that coming when health care became "for profit". That was more than 20 years ago. I never envisioned it would go so far.

The video is chilling! I thought I heard in it, an individual would be capped out at $5000 per year. Did I hear that right? If so, no one could receive cancer treatment, open reduction surgery for broken bones, many other surgeries which would be life-saving, such as repair for a bulging aorta.

I just could not have heard that right.

Did I miss the part where congressmen and others of an elite position will be exempt from these "mandatory " statements.

This bill means the govt will have total control over us.

This video is chilling!
2016-07-29 04:18:28 UTC
MY most effective project is that it's now not a Hybrid. The times of gas guzzling dinosaurs is numbered. There could also be significantly no element in a automobile at the moment that is no longer 'ecology pleasant.' that factor is gone..! That Lamborghini can produce a automobile that may to zero to 60 in six seconds is fully redundant..! Except it would actually make forty eight miles to the gallon, then why even recollect it when that you could be purchase a Prius and just do this..? We purchased a Prius in 2011. We love the car and we like the mileage. All of the rest that Lamborghini offers, which that you may hold, thanks very a lot.
2012-09-24 07:08:48 UTC
Absolute 100% lies. The people that make this sort of stuff are driven by hate and ignorance. It is truly sad in a country like America where we think ourselves intelligent that such trash survives.

It is true that America is destroying itself from the inside. You can bet that the rich and powerful have a hand in this. Some day America will be a land ruled by a relative few rich families, a Plutocracy, and the rest of us will be like cattle in a feed lot.

And look at some of you. You actually believe this nonsense. Where is your mind? Why cant you accept the truth. These things have been proven wrong again and again. Is your hate so great it clouds your common sense? It is one thing to have an opinion, it is another to have an ignorant opinion.
2012-09-23 16:40:42 UTC
I heard the set up is hundreds of pages of do's and dont's. It is spooky. Who made the video. I am leary of all that I see and hear now.The government is taking over more and more, but we all know the medical care has gone through the roof. 9.00 for an asprin.Why don't they put a stop to these high CEO'S Christmas bounus of a million dollars. I don't understand all this, and the government wants this and counts on keeping us in the dark. Does not sound so great, except for the illegals at the tax payers expense, but then what else is new. DON'T GET SICK OR HURT IN AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!. And when you get old you might as well curl up your toes and die. Perhaps they will enact a death tax.
2012-09-23 20:16:30 UTC
This is a very old piece of propaganda that ignorant and gullible right-wingers have been emailing to each other for well over a year now. That's not name-calling. It's the simple truth.

If you're listening carefully, you notice right away that this is a third-rate hatchet job put together by a sub-literate crackpot who can't even spell words like "Medicaid"--even when he's adding his text to government videos in which the word "MEDICAID" appears in big letters right in front of him.

Then you notice that all the Republican lies about the health care program are mentioned repeatedly. I think the only one he left out was the one about how the government will soon come to your home and inject you with a secret government microchip so they can have total control over you every minute of the day. He forgot that one.

But again and again he emphasizes his five big hobgoblins:

That ILLEGAL ALIENS will get health-care. (Which is untrue. Read the bill. It specifically says that the health program will not be available to those who are in the U.S. illegally. Although why this video maker wants all the minimum-wage workers from Mexico do die, I don't know. Racism, I suppose.)

That old people will be MURDERED BY DEATH PANELS. (Wrong. Nobody's going to be murdered. People will get more coverage than they currently do from private insurers, who now routinely use their own in-house "panels" to cut off benefits to customers who are becoming costly. And the "panels" that are described in the government plan are ordered to be mostly composed of people who are not working for the government.)

ACORN WILL BE USED BY THE EVIL OBAMA GOVERNMENT TO ENFORCE ITS EVIL WILL AGAINST THE GOOD PEOPLE OF AMERICA. (His attitude toward Acorn is really bizarre. He uses a special reverberation sound-effect every time he mentions the name "ACORN." As if Acorn were an organization made up of zombies and werewolves and vampires. I suppose this is meant to appeal to white Republican racists. Anyway, there is absolutely nothing in the health care bill that mentions Acorn or that has anything directly or indirectly to do with Acorn. Or any group like it.)

THE PROFITS OF DOCTORS AND HOSPITALS AND INSURERS WILL BE LIMITED. (Well, that's right, baby. He got that one right. Doctors and hospitals and insurers will no longer be given a special license to gouge unlimited amounts of loot from the misery of the poor. They will have to start behaving like human beings. Why would anybody think that's a bad thing? Why should the medicos ever have had a government-protected special right to steal?)

And YEARLY HEALTH BENEFITS SHALL BE LIMITED TO $5,000 PER INDIVIDUAL OR $10,000 PER FAMILY. (This is possibly the most outrageous lie in the entire piece. And anyone with half a brain would immediately recognize it as a lie without even bothering to do the research on this. Of course it's not true. In fact, the health program actually says that the benefits shall not be limited.)

The bottom line is: Always be skeptical of right-wing rhetoric, because lying is the number one tactic of Republican politicos. They rely on the fact that right-wing people are generally much stupider than left-wing people. And once again, that is not name-calling. It is a fact. Look it up. Right-wingers ARE dumber than left-wingers. So they are easy to manipulate with lies. And that's why the Republicans do it.
2012-09-23 17:30:07 UTC
A friend of mind just got back from Canada & was telling us how healthy the people were there. They were happy & fit & so different from the people we see here in the USA. You could probably find something showing that not having health care for everyone is actually a good thing. You could probably find something that shows Canadians so upset because they have to pay more on their taxes & nothing about the whole picture such as the fact that they are healthier than people in the USA because crooks are not brainwashing people to show videos like this in order to keep people living in fear & voting against their highest good.

You can find all kinds of messages such as the one in this video but I would wonder why you are so against others having a good life. Health is basic & it's hard for me to understand people who want a country made up of extremely rich & extremely poor. This is the way it is in many parts of the would & this is what the people who put out this kind of propaganda want.
Marilyn T
2012-09-24 07:47:33 UTC
I watched most of the video, too confusing and long.

does anyone have a better or more fair system ready to take care of uninsured people in the US?

I wouldn't mind hearing about a better solution to health care.

This is better then nothing for the millions of people going without insurance in the US even those working poor are not covered by insurance right now.

When they get ill, they either go to a pay per visit clinic which is not much better then going to a drug pusher as they don't offer any real solutions other then take these pills and come back for another $95. visit or go to the ER if it get worst.

People going to the ER can't pay their bills so in the end tax payers are paying for it anyways but the ill person is not being treated in a perventative way or with much thought.

I know of no other reasonable country that doesn't care if it's citizens die or not from lack of health coverage or care.

It has to be the biggest shame on the US.

When my husband was 61 1/2 years old he was laid off like many other people, no health coverage any longer etc.

The stress of it all gave him symptoms of a heart attack.

I drove him to the closet ER, not wanting to call an ambulance because of the extra cost.

2 days in hospital, several reading of his BP and 4 or 5 lab test later, they gave him a 30 days script for xanax and said see a doctor.

The bill came in to over $32,000 for 2 days stay!

The doctors fees were another $3,000 or so.

Of course that almost sent him into his grave seeing that bill.

The patients advocates contacted us, looked over our bank accounts etc. and had the bill reduced to only $2,000. Who picked up the rest of the tab? Did the hospital do it for charity, I don't think so.

How can they justify $32,000 for just laying in a hospital bed for 48 hours and a few tests one of which seemed to be timed only to make him stay another day so they could bill for the whole day stay.

He was so angry about the way they were handling it all that he walked out of his hospital bed at 3 am on the second day before they could charge for a 3rd day.

Now here in Hungary we both have Nationa lHealth Care at a affordable cost of around $30. a month each.

I have been to private doctors here in the past and I so far find the service to be the same in the national program.

I have a Bakers cyst in my knee.

Just walked up the st. half block to the local hospital and sat for less then one hour to see the doctor.

Got paperwork for lab tests the next day, and x-ray the same day and med's for swelling and pain along with meds for rebuilding my joints.

Also had referral to an orthopedic doctor which I saw 10 days later.

Now I am just about finished with my private physical therapy , 2 times a week for over and hour each visit with a sweet young lady they found for me who speaks perfect English.

I think for my $30. a month I have more then gotten my monies worth.

Of course most people do tip the doctors on the side, not every visit and not allot, depends on if they did surgery or just gave you a referral as to how much you tip them. They do not hassle you for the tips but it is a curtisy sort of thing that goes back to the old times.

I plan on giving my therapist about $30. for my 8 visits with her.

I gave my GP only $25. tip and he saw my husband for his BP at the same time.

Gave the orthopedic doctor $50. because I know I will be going back for some cortizone shots or surgery at some point.

The doctors do not make allot of money over here like in the US, in fact many young doctors work here for a couple of years then go off to the UK or Germany to make more money because they can.

All jobs pay for their employees health coverage here, about the same rate of $30. a month.

The sales taxes here are 25% Vat and most wages are taxed high up to 50% but people here still seem to be living well enough, maybe most don't have 2,000sq. ft. homes and swimming pools in their yards but they are doing fine.

Why can't the US give affordable coverage to the people, if anyone thinks they are just too good for it, then pay out of pocket for a private doctor, like snobs do here.

Honestly from my experiences with all family members here there is no real difference in private or national coverage, maybe they give you a slightly better hospital room in private care, that's about it.

Yes, the GP's office was in a hospital that was over 100 years old but the equipment was new and the the new add on where I recieved my X-ray was brand new and beautiful inside, not dumpy and run down like the clinics for the uninsured in the US.

In fact they speak better English to me then the nurses and doctors did in the clinics in the US and they know how to read medical charts. Had a non -English speaking nurse in a US clinic give the doctor my son's medical records while he was examining me, took him over 5 min's to realize I was not a 25 year old man.
2012-09-24 07:31:17 UTC
OK, I watched the entire video. What I saw was interpretations made by someone who has taken everything out of context. Let's read the paragraphs before and after the author's comments and see if we come up with the same understanding.

Sorry, YGG, I can't agree with it because it is INTERPRETATION not FACTUAL.
2012-09-24 06:22:30 UTC
I heard that 85% of medicare is spent on people in the last year of their lives and for better or worse this is going to change. Our country is broke and regardless of what either party is telling us things are going to get rocky.
Mariana Straits
2012-09-23 17:04:09 UTC
My friend sent me this same link last week.

I watched/listened the entire length.

My thoughts are; I'm going to be doing a lot of reading.
2012-09-23 17:27:52 UTC
VERY interesting, YYG.

Obviously, it's less than an UNbiased critical attack on Obamacare - but there are some valid points registered. With US National Debt now in excess of $16 trillion, it's more than worrisome the alleged extra $2 trillion cost (falling largely on smaller companies not currently providing such benefits) is actually affordable, practical - or 'Constititutional'.

You'll be aware we in the UK had the NHS inaugurated, back in 1947 - with NI contributions (another form of tax) payable by employees and companies alike - SINCE WHEN successive governments have struggled to contain EVER increasing costs - especially for the elderly - who WITH such care, tend to live longer and longer, requiring even more expensive treatment, etc etc etc.

I've struggled to follow the Obamcare proposals in detail - but as your link confirms - they indicate a morass of complicated federal and inter-state regulations - bigger, more expensive admin costs for montoring, judicial panels, etc - imposing socialist principles on a primarily privatised (insured) healthcare indusry.

Over here, the battle rages in the opposite direction. The Unions and other vested interests bitterly dispute ANY attempt to share costs more equally - with those who can AFFORD private medical care - insisting creeping 'privatisation of the NHS' is an anathema to supposed 'FREE at point of delivery' healthcare.

ODD thing is - many of our emergency healthcare services are maintained by volunteers, and voluntary donations, by the 'wealthy'. As in - the St John Ambulance service - the Hospices - Helicopter Air-ambulances, The Royal British Legion, etc etc - which only get marginal tax credits - and recognition - whilst politicians struggle to pretend they CAN keep costs DOWN for all and sundry.

I'm less than convinced Mr "Yes we can !!!" President has the right solution.

; ((
2012-09-23 20:20:08 UTC
I just love these people who call this propaganda .

For cryin' out loud, it's all right there in black & white, which couldn't be any clearer and is indisputable as far as the facts are concerned .

Also, elderly people with life or death health problems / issues WILL BE MURDERED, although not directly . It'll happen indirectly, due to the all red tape involved, which will force folks to have to wait for weeks, maybe even months, for the treatment they need . Of course, these will be weeks / months that these people, in many cases, won't have . In other words, they'll die while the government plays games with their individual cases . THAT is how they'll be MURDERED .

And, while I'm at it, don't tell ME there won't be plenty of red tape involved . Everything the government does has red tape attached to it . And that's something that's been a fact for a long, long time .
2012-09-23 17:14:21 UTC
Obamacare has so many pages that I couldn't download it all.

I have quite a few pages, however, and it is so scary. We all

don't realize all that is in it. It includes much more than health

care. It includes an appointed committee that will make all your

decisions about care, treatment, surgeries, costs, etc. This

should stay like it is now - between you and your doctor. It also

states that the same committee can look into your bank accounts

at any time for any reason or no reason. This is not right.

share his concept of re-distributing wealth. I do not share his

view that America is arrogant. I do not share his view of amnesty

and giving more to illegals than our own citizens who need help.

I do not share his views that radical Islam is our friend and Israel

is our enemy. I do not share the "changes" he wants for America>.
2012-09-23 16:31:39 UTC
I agree with "J". The purpose of that clip is to spread misinformation that has been cherry picked from the bill without including supporting definitions. It's a common political trick used by both parties. The problem lies with people that are so politically biased, they will believe anything. Whenever I see anything political posted on youtube, I keep a salt shaker handy. You asked, I answered. (I listened up to page 341 and that was all the BS I could handle)
2012-09-24 16:22:24 UTC
Another political movie. A mixture of fear, and non-facts.
Ol Uncle Dave
2012-09-23 20:16:50 UTC
we will see a lot of back room clinics, half trained midwives, and lots of death....we will also see a lot of people jump up saying... you know i feel a little better maybe i will take that job.
2012-09-23 16:11:32 UTC
I just watched a few minutes of it & I have only one word:


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.