The not a question but a book. But I can tell you a few things.....
We had a stove and a frig, but no dishwasher(very expensive) and microwave(didn't exist). My Mom did the washing in a wringer washer and hung the clothes to dry on the line outside. If it was cold outside she used the line in the basement, but I can remember clothing coming back into the house frozen in the winter. I can also remember her dashing for that clothes line to remove the washing from the line in the summer if it rained. It was a major event when we got a clothes dryer.
I also remember the first television we had. In those days you could have a TV for a trial week. Dad tried several before they bought the one we had for close to twenty years. The TV had a dial with twelve stations. It was contained in a large wooden light oak cabinet. If it was broken, Dad would try to fix it with the help of my uncle, who had a television service.
The phone was a dial phone. We, like many others had a "party line" which meant that you shared a line with a neighbour. Each "party" had a special ring. ie: Two long rings might be the neighbour, and one short one long might be yours. To have a private line, was expensive. After a few years, the Bell just switched us all over to private lines and "party lines" ceased to exist.
Dad worked during the day, and because we could not make ends meet, Mom had a part time job in the evening. Mom cleaned the house, prepared meals and cared for us. She gave us our dinner and when Dad came home he was in charge of bath time, bedtime stories and tucking into bed. He would clean up the kitchen if Mom didn't have the time before she bolted out the door. She took the bus as she didn't drive. The result of the sensible arrangement was criticism from family. Mom, was apparently at fault. She should not go out in the evening. The extended family(aunts and uncles) felt so sorry for my Dad. That shows you the prevailing attitude of disrespect for women. Even though she was working double duty, she was criticized for her, "gallivanting" (a disrespectful term for having fun)
Food was simple. Meat, potatoes, rice, veggies in season, and in the winter, root vegetables were the most common. A salad was most likely shredded cabbage. The Waldorf salad comes to mind. It was actually cole slaw apple, and walnuts, quite tasty actually. And the jellied salad came into fashion. Jello with shredded cabbage, or canned fruit were common party fare. Our family dined out probably once a year, on Mom and Dad's anniversary. Often it was Chinese as it was inexpensive and tasty. We had a big population of Italian immigrants in our city after the war, and their cuisine along with Polish, Ukrainian, German(although no one would admit to being German, the were all from Austria....and who could blame them??.LOL!), and Hungarian began to be part of the array of restaurants available. We took advantage of the new flavours. Many of the dishes began to show up at our house. Spaghetti, goulash, cabbage rolls, pizza, rouladin, bratwurst, perogies etc, etc.
Cleaning the house was different as well. We all had hard wood floors and linoleum in the kitchen and bathroom Mom would get down on her hands and knees to clean these floors then finished with a coating of paste wax, applied by hand and buffed by hand with a soft cloth. It was back breaking labour. But she and Dad were house proud and liked it clean and beautiful. Our house was nicely furnished but I cannot remember any, except the sofa being new. It was all second hand, painted or refinished by Mom to look like new.
We had record players, radio, television(although the choices were limited as were the hours of broadcast), We played hopscotch, skipping, baseball, lots of games with a rubber ball, jacks, hide and seek, tag, and if we were lucky and someone got a badminton set, we played that too. We had dinner and played outside with our friends until the streetlights came on. Mom would whistle for us if she wanted us home. She could really whistle! And if we didn't hear it the kids in the neighbourhood would and come to find us.
Friends would ask us to come out to play by standing outside the door and yell, for instance, "Bobbie oh, Bobbie oh Bobbie!! Coming out to play?!!. Knocking on doors was for formal occasions like Birthday parties.
But we all played together using what we had. Thus the saying and threat, "I am taking my ball and going home!!" That would make us create compromises and come up with ways to keep all the kids playing longer. This was negotiations 101. Who cared what the kid looked like, age, sex, or minority? We needed the players, so it was all about who could play. And nobody had Mom or Dad drive them anywhere. If you wanted to join Scouts or Guides, or swim or skate and had to get there, you walked, or if you were lucky, rode your bike.
Thanks for the question
Lots more to tell, but.....