What was daily life in the 1950s really like?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What was daily life in the 1950s really like?
32 answers:
2012-03-03 06:53:25 UTC
I thought I already answered this yesterday. Not everything was better in the 1950s than now, but almost everything was. I would go back and relive 1950 in a heartbeat if I could. The sad thing is that when we were living the 50s we thought it would always be that way. We didn't know it was special. If I had to identify the main difference between 1950 and 2012, it would be the morals of the people. There were no locks on the doors, the car key was left in the ignition, there were no car alarms or security systems, if you lost your wallet someone would turn it in at the city office, etc etc.
2012-03-03 08:18:27 UTC
I was a child and new nothing but the comparative austerity of the time. We had sufficient and sufficient is plenty. Workers had fewer rights. we were not a multicultural society. housewives generally didn't work after marriage because housekeeping was a full time job. crime was quite low and drugs unheard of. however there were Polio scares which together with TB could still mean death. Pollution was worse with smogs in the winter due to coal fires. University education was free and students could have grants. The 11 and 13 + scholarships could mean the difference between uni and not. Employers took on staff on the strength of a single interview. I'm sure that in general we were happier but that may be because I was a child. I did not have anything like the toys children have to-day but I could play out without danger from yobs and suchlike. each age has it's difficulties and virtues

We had most of the things we have today (computers ans suck like no nor mobile phones) but we did not have fruit out of season nor some of te more exotic fruits such as mangoes.

I'm not sure I would like to go back to that except that I could leave my door open and not have anything stolen. Back passages ( back jiggers in Liverpool ) were used and so did not need alley gates. It really is crime which makes to-day unpleasant. The fact that the Courts have to so many rights to criminals and so few to victims rings a little hollow. i have noticed it is only used just before an election
2012-03-03 02:42:39 UTC mother was made fun of by the family because she refused to have a certain day to do certain chores. My aunt would say my mother was a terrible housekeeper. And yet, she ironed my dad's shorts as well as everything else. I remember the day she came home with sheets and announced...Permanent Press. I think what you need to know is that women had very little freedom and men still ruled the roost. Women were old at 40 while men were not. You couldn't get a job doing what you wanted whatever your education was. There were designated jobs for women and lower pay. Your husband could still beat you and the police would look the other way. I came of age in the early 60's and when they said social revolution I said yes. The first thing I did was throw away every girdle my mother made me wear. I guess you thought Madonna made up those pointy we wore them and they were not only unattractive, they were uncomfortable along with all those other restraining garments. Women in the fifies...look at Leave it to Beaver...Mrs Cleaver...the perfect mother...never a harsh word, hair and nails always done to perfection, dressed up to clean house, and a perfect house and perfect dinners and she was completely happy....Look at the series Mad Men and how women were treated and that was the start of the sixties. And then think about crime...everyone says there were no serial, different police departments didn't work together and so much got by them. I was told I should plan on being a secretary because I didn't have the $ to go to college. Despite high scores on their tests, no one said anything about college for me. The Airforce asked me if I could type...I wanted to fly jets. I wanted to be a telephone lineman...I was told I would be frightened because there could be bugs...Trust me...the 60's were a whole lot better and women started getting real freedom to do as they pleased. Oh and you also had to be extremely pleased to get a toaster for your birthday. There have always been hair conditioners, dyes and bleaches and all the goodies. But in those days if you were a blonde, you were a floozy and considered automatically dumb. That's where all the jokes come from. And music...crooners and elevator music. The sixties started serious rock n roll.....the best thing about the fifties was rushing over to a friend's house after school to watch American Bandstand. I wonder what ever happened to Justine and Bob. . . .OMG I googled them and they are real old farts....just like me.
2012-03-03 04:27:57 UTC
As you have been given some cracking answers about household chores etc. I think I'll just answer the part of your question about what was available in the shops, if that's O.K.

Many of the things we buy now could be bought then - items such as salad cream and sauces but they were in glass bottles where now they are also available in plastic, squeazy bottles. Bags of sugar and flour were not much different from how they are now except that we had pounds and ounces rather that grams and kilograms. The biggest differences would have been that many items were sold loose, so you could buy as much or as little as you wished and it was weighed out for you and you just paid for the amount you wanted. This applied to tea (no tea bags then but some was packed in small boxes), coffee grounds/beans (instant coffee was still to come) biscuits etc.

Shops were not self service. Our mothers took a list of what they wanted and joined the queue in the shop. When it was their turn they handed over the list - if it was all for delivery (more shops delivered back then) you could just leave the list knowing all would arrive at the agreed time. If the items were wanted there and then the lady just took the list and went around the shop getting what was wanted, weighing out the loose things and bagging them up in paper bags - no plastic then. If a bag was needed to carry items home it was a brown paper carrier bag which had handles made from string. We re-used them as often as possible. In grocery shops there would be several ladies serving so the queue went down quicker than this might sound and, of course, no-one was having to walk up and down aisles getting things for themselves. It worked far better than many shops do today.

Many people still made their own bread then. We had a bakehouse fairly close to where I was brought up and we'd go there and buy hot bread. The baker would wish to make a large batch of the same kind for economical reasons so anything special needed to be ordered an the housewife would be given a time to go back and collect it. Some bakehouses even cooked the person's own dough. The housewife would do the work, the kneading and shaping, put it in the loaf tin and then take it to the bakehouse to be cooked once it had risen fully.

Milk was delivered to the door in churns and measured out into our own jug. If we ran out of milk during the day we could go to the farm and buy more and it was often warm as the cows had just been milked. A little later we started to get bottled milk. The bottles had a wide neck and the lid was made of cardboard and has a perforated hole in the top which was easily punched out, either to put in a straw or just to help us pull off the lid. I don't remember ANY shops selling milk in those days. Everyone had it delivered to their home and/or bought it from the farm.

It is hard to believe just how much times have changed - much of it for the better but not all.
2016-01-28 11:04:34 UTC
daily life 1950s
2012-03-03 03:56:38 UTC
It really did depend where you lived. there were less cars. No mega markets/ Good was still organic and the living cost was cheaper. there was hardly a TV set in the nneighbourhoodsand gong to the cinema was an event. Music was still played with big orchestras and there were soap operas in the radio where all the ffamilywould sit together and listen. A housewife had to wash with her hands as washing machines were not yet so popular. Life was harder, but better oorganised Out in the country side life was oorganisedby seasons, beside the weekly washing day. I was very young during the 50th, but I do remember that we did read much and we used our brains to pass free time. School was also not so demanding as it is now. In general, the 50th were bice.
2016-05-02 11:37:54 UTC
If you are a beginner or have done some woodworking you will find these plans easy-to-follow as the instructions are very clearly written

The woodworking plans are straightforward so they are not complicated at all. Even if you are a total newcomer to woodworking you will simply be able to master all the techniques that are needed and the woodworking skills very quickly by following the concise and clear instructions.

Another thing which is so great about these woodworking plans is that there have been some videos included and there are some to guide you in how to build benches home furniture dog houses bird feeders sheds and much much more.
2012-03-03 03:10:01 UTC
Try to find Nella Lasts Diaries in your library. This is a true account of daily life in the 40s and 50s. was made into a film on BBC.


Nella Last in the 1950s is the third (and sadly last) of the books (following Nella Last's War: The Second World War Diaries of 'Housewife, 49' and Nella Last's Peace ...​nella-last-in

EDIT: Malcy: Whatever you are on today, I want some.xx
2012-03-03 02:36:56 UTC
Life remains pretty much the same one decade to the next. Clothing styles will change. Sexual attitudes also change. But the basic tenets of life won't change much. It was a simpler time because we didn't have the internet, didn't have 200 TV channels to pay exorbitant amounts of money to watch the same 3-5 channels we got back then for free. And we had to actually get off our butts to change those channels. A lot of the stuff we did back then people don't have to do simply because we can buy it now rather than make it. Advances in technology does make life easier...not simpler. The 50's really was a nice time in which to live.
2012-03-03 03:25:02 UTC
None of today's women would wish to go back to the 1950s. Yes, women really did have one day for washing, one for ironing etc. and there was a very good reason for that. The washing (especially if the family was large) took a very long time. My mother did not have any kind of washing machine until several years into the 50s and it was then a cabinet with an agitator in the bottom which pounded the clothes back and forth. Prior to that she had to agitate them in a tub or hot water with a 'gadget' made for the job. Hers was called a posser (that might not be how it should be spelled though), others were called a dolly but they did the same thing. Her new machine, when she eventually got it did nothing other than wash. She then had to pull each item out of the very hot water with a pair of wooden tongs and then put them through a mangle which squeezed the water out of them. That was hand turned, not powered by electricity. She then had the chore of rinsing each item and putting them through the mangle once again. If the weather was good she then hung them out to dry. If it was not good everything went on a clothes horse in front of the coal fire - a few at a time because a whole family wash did not fit on it. Driers did not exist then either so she relied on the sun or the heat from the coal fire and lots of time drying slowly indoors.

Most people lit their coal fire first thing in the morning (even in the Summer) because it also provided the hot water and (in my mum's case) heated her oven which was just above the fire. She cooked her meat and cakes etc. in the coal fired over.

Ironing was usually done the day after the washing - providing she had managed to get it dry. If not it had to be done when it WAS dry.

Cleaning was not like today. Few houses would have had fitted carpets, many would not have had ANY carpets. The fortunate, but poorer familes, would have a nice rug in front of the coal fire which would have been made from pieces of cut up rag using a rug hook. Grandmas were very good at making these - well mine was anyway. As children we would sit in front of the fire on the home made rug. It would have been the warmest spot in the house.

Linoleum flooring would have to was wiped with a mop or a damp cloth and whatever carpets or rugs were in the house would be cleaned either with a hard broom, a carpet sweeper or one of the early vacuum cleaner. My Gran had a Ewbank carpet sweeper and my Mum had an early Hoover Vacuum cleaner.

I love the small part of your question which says "What did housewives do each day?" Well she didn't get much rest, that's for sure. In addition to all the above she would get out her sewing machine and make children's clothes and maybe something for herself. She would get out her sewing kit, some wool, a darning needle and a darning mushroom and tackle a pile of dad's socks which had holes in the heels. That was a long slow process because, not done correctly, the socks would be very uncomfortable. She would go out shopping, some she would carry home and in another shop she would leave an order to be delivered another day. In addition she was also looking after the pre-school children in the house because there were no nurseries then and no government paid-for child care. However neighbours did behave in a neighbourly way back then and it it were necessary, one neighbour would look after someone else's small child so that mothers could do their shopping more easily.

Everything about chores for women has been made many times better and no-one in their right mind would wish to return to any of that but the aspect which most would find wonderful these days, if it could be recovered, is the neighbourly attitude everyone had. Everyone looked out for one another and, because different generations of families lived closer together then there was almost always help available when it was really needed. Much of that is now lost.

Malcky, I can't stop laughing at your 'offering'. Your nose must be three times its normal length now.
2016-02-15 01:13:12 UTC
Understand the many premises behind The Paleo Diet and that will help guide you toward living a complete Paleo Diet lifestyle. Learn here

For breakfast, make an easy omelet. Peppers, mushrooms, and broccoli in olive oil; add omega-3-enriched or free-range eggs and diced turkey or chicken breast.

Paleo lunches are easy. At the beginning of the week, make a huge salad with anything you like. A good starting point can be mixed greens, spinach, radishes, bell peppers, cucumbers, carrots, avocadoes, walnuts, almonds and sliced apples or pears.

For dinner, try spaghetti squash as a substitute for any pasta recipe. Top with pesto, marinara and meatballs. Roasted beets and their greens make a great side dish for pork.
2016-04-12 17:12:13 UTC
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2012-03-03 03:24:27 UTC
Yes, housewives really did wash on one day, iron on another and have a baking day. It was a simpler time because you were not distracted by TV, ipods, mobile phones and computers. You sat around the radio in the evening to listen to the serials.

In the 50s everyone was very PROPER!! Had to be conventional and follow the usual protocols.

Housewives were expected to wait on the men, keep their house in order, and bring up the kids.

We all washed our hair with ordinary soap in those days. Finally someone came up with the idea of shampoo and then of course conditioner. Made millions for the companies.

Many women were driven mad within the confines of their homes, took to being alcoholics or gossiped with neighbours.

They would finish cleaning up after one meal and start preparing for the next one. We think about a meal within 30 -60 mins of wanting to serve it these days (although the takeaway gangs, don't think, they just get). Our parents starting working on the evening meal at about 4 pm at the latest. It took at least half an hour to shell the peas or prepare the beans, let alone the other foods.
2012-03-03 06:33:10 UTC
It was a more innocent time with lower expectations for women. Many women stayed at home and those who did work could expect to earn only two thirds of what men earned for the same work. Most jobs, however, would be jobs marked as suitable for men and suitable for women and only the most mundane careers were available to women.

If you want to hear the signature tune of those times, here it is. Everyone listened to the radio, which meant that people laughed at the same jokes and responded in the same way to punch lines. Television was something new and those who had a set might well have bought it for the Coronation. However, this was the decade when gradually most households acquired a TV set.

Wartime rationing didn't finally end until 1954, one of the last items to go being confectionery. There were still visible souvenirs of the War in the form of bomb sites and most people lived in cramped conditions, although gradually people were being moved out of the cities to new towns and new housing. Some people still lived in the prefabs hurriedly erected during the War -- they proved to be of durable quality.

Most people didn't own washing machines or even refrigerators. Shopping had to be done on a daily, or almost daily, basis. People would buy their ice cream from ice cream vans which drove around the neighbourhood, as this way the lack of a fridge wouldn't be a problem. With so few foreigners in the country, food was bland and traditionally British. Things like avocado pears and yoghurt were unheard of.

Because people didn't have TVs and even those who did could only expect to receive programmes over a few hours during the day, cinema going was very popular. There would be a main film and a supporting film and a Gaumont Pathé newsreel. People often turned up after a film had started and stayed on to see the beginning during the next showing, leaving at the point where they recognised the action as "this is where we came in".

Foreign travel was a rarity and with severe currency restrictions, it was available only to people who could manage to live frugally while abroad. Holidays were taken within the UK and it would very often rain, something people managed to laugh about. There was a great deal of laughter in the Fifties -- after the grim War years, it was wonderful to be able to adjust to normality and to gradually improving conditions. People normally used public transport to get about and in the big cities there were so few cars that children could play safely in the streets or in the bomb sites. It was common for children to play games such as hop scotch, chalking the marks on the pavement. With few toys available, playing was more creative than it is today and children used their imagination.

Not everyone had a vaccuum cleaner. Many people were without bathrooms and inside toilets. As a post War hangover, people continued to use newspaper as toilet paper, the popular choice being the "Radio Times."

To give you an example of the drudgery of household chores, I'll mention my first Domestic Science lesson, in the days when paper tissues were a novelty. We each washed a handkerchief, first soaking it in a saline solution to remove....well, thank goodness it was my own handkerchief, as I couldn't have borne the prospect of washing those of other people! Without washing machines, people would either use a wash board or an implement known as a dolly.

People still had coal fires and you couldn't acquire badges as a cub or brownie unless you knew how to clear a grate and lay a fire. This was a dirty and tedious procedure, but the toast you could make in front of a coal fire was far nicer than any from a toaster (a thing which had not yet been invented!)

Most housewives would have a washing day and hope that they would be able to dry everything on the line afterwards. Monday was the traditional day for it. Many items had to be starched. New fabrics such as terylene and nylon were only just coming into vogue, so nearly everything needed to be ironed. Housewives would be versed in the arts of mending, turning collars, darning and generally making things last for as long as possible. As most people were paid weekly, on a Friday, money could be in short supply at the end of the week and many people would be eating bread and dripping and bubble and squeak by Thursday.

Few people had a telephone, but on the other hand, the post was amazingly cheap and reliable. I can't understand how, with modern technology, the postal service has become so expensive and unreliable. This is something which seems to have progressed backwards!
2014-09-29 17:57:21 UTC
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2016-04-30 02:33:08 UTC
If you wish to train your little child to see common words that will probably encounter and that are exceptions to basic phonetic rules then the thing you need will be here , Children Learning Reading program.

 Children Learning Reading is a phonetic based examining system. This means that it first shows your son or daughter the letters of the alphabet and the seems they make. After that it applies this understanding to simply help your child figure out phrases based on the seems the words make. The program is designed to train the essential "code" for examining initially. Only after it has been learned are exceptions, complications, and modifications introduced.
2015-01-26 09:39:04 UTC
Want you like to get instant access to over 16,000 woodworking plans?

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Along with stone, mud and animal parts, wood was one of the first materials worked by early humans. Microwear analysis of the Mousterian stone tools used by the Neanderthals show that many were used to work wood. The development of civilization was closely tied to the development of increasingly greater degrees of skill in working these materials.
2012-03-03 03:17:14 UTC
Life in the post war period was extremely grim.

We only had one clog between the males in the family.

Dad, would wear the clog to work and have to hop all

the way there.

Then he would put the clog in a taxi, which delivered it

back to our house, and I would have to tie it to my left

foot as it was too big, and then hop to school.

Yes, lass, life were real hard for us poorer folk, it were all

Hop it or stop at home. It improved a few years later,

by then we had been given an old tractor tyre and

fashioned some footwear from the rubber!

Tha dunt knaw tha born. :))
2016-04-08 13:24:15 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

Clothes were much more conservative then. Girls wore dresses, skirts and sweaters, etc. to school. We didn't wear jeans or slacks except on weekends. Boys wore jeans and white t-shirts or else button-down shirts. Letter jackets were very popular. So were loafers. We used to put taps on our heels, so our shoes would click as we walked in the hall at school. It drove the teachers crazy. Girls used a lot of hairspray and wore poufy hairstyles. We wore Evening in Paris perfume and used pancake makeup. We listened to music on the radio or else went to the drugstore and played the jukebox. I didn't see a t.v. set until I was a sophomore in high school, and it was black and white. We couldn't even imagine having a color set. People went to church every Sunday. Families who didn't attend church were sort of outcasts. I got my driver's license at 14. Kids could drive their parents' cars to check out the local drive-in. I think the first McDonald's was introduced around 1955. Dairy Queens were popular with their "soft" ice cream cones. Kids were expected to be home by 10 p.m. on weeknights and 11 p.m. on Saturdays (because there was church the next day). Girls were expected to take home ec classes in high school, because we were supposed to know how to cook and sew. People were patriotic, we studied civics (government) as well as world history and American history. Russia was the big enemy, and we were constantly warned about the Cold War and Russian spies. Nobody had ever heard anything about the Middle East and we knew absolutely nothing abut Islam. Iran and Iraq didn't even exist. The most anybody knew about that part of the world was that it was the Holy Land. The Japanese people were still sort of our enemies, as were Germans. As far as cars were concerned, Chevrolet came out in 1955 with a pink and black model, and that was thought to be the coolest thing around. Kids drove American cars, lowered in the back, with "glass packs" to make them loud. The most trouble people got into was drinking beer and smoking cigarettes. The "thugs" at school would roll a pack of cigarettes up in the sleeve of their white t-shirts, and stick a single cigarette behind their ear to wear like a pencil. Bullies would tease kids about having "cooties". Principals still used paddles at school. We ate meals at home, were expected to do chores, and knew that when boys graduated from high school, their next stop was the army recruiter's office. Girls trained to be secretaries, nurses, or teachers. We loved to watch musicals. Some favorites were "Show Boat", "Dancing in the Dark", "Singing in the Rain", etc. These are the things I mainly recall.
2016-02-24 17:12:31 UTC
On breakfast, go ahead and beverage orange juice. But throughout the rest of the day, focus on water as opposed to juice or soda
2016-07-15 04:41:25 UTC
Go shopping for new clothes—wriggling directly into 10 pairs of skinny jeans are certain to get your heart rate up.
2012-03-03 03:28:23 UTC
Malcky it all fell over when you mentioned the taxi. You know you didn't get taxis up your way until 1960, when they were used to deliver the national papers
2017-03-08 19:25:17 UTC
Walk round the block once mid-morning and the moment midafternoon.
2017-03-01 10:13:39 UTC
It just depends on your lifestyle... and your daily activities... Me personally I keep my nail at about a quarter inch from the actual tips of my fingers because I actually type all day
2017-02-16 03:38:06 UTC
Drink lots of water. (You'll stand up for refills and trips towards the bathroom. )
2017-01-27 10:14:53 UTC
Well long nails are attractive... but to make that look sexy, put red nail shine on.... now thats attractive hun!
2017-01-25 05:47:37 UTC
2016-04-30 22:02:47 UTC
Enroll in an active art work class, such as sculpture or ceramics.
2016-02-22 23:13:38 UTC
try to learn this calorie counts ahead of getting pots and pans in bistro
Goddess of Laundry
2012-03-03 04:19:42 UTC
The not a question but a book. But I can tell you a few things.....

We had a stove and a frig, but no dishwasher(very expensive) and microwave(didn't exist). My Mom did the washing in a wringer washer and hung the clothes to dry on the line outside. If it was cold outside she used the line in the basement, but I can remember clothing coming back into the house frozen in the winter. I can also remember her dashing for that clothes line to remove the washing from the line in the summer if it rained. It was a major event when we got a clothes dryer.

I also remember the first television we had. In those days you could have a TV for a trial week. Dad tried several before they bought the one we had for close to twenty years. The TV had a dial with twelve stations. It was contained in a large wooden light oak cabinet. If it was broken, Dad would try to fix it with the help of my uncle, who had a television service.

The phone was a dial phone. We, like many others had a "party line" which meant that you shared a line with a neighbour. Each "party" had a special ring. ie: Two long rings might be the neighbour, and one short one long might be yours. To have a private line, was expensive. After a few years, the Bell just switched us all over to private lines and "party lines" ceased to exist.

Dad worked during the day, and because we could not make ends meet, Mom had a part time job in the evening. Mom cleaned the house, prepared meals and cared for us. She gave us our dinner and when Dad came home he was in charge of bath time, bedtime stories and tucking into bed. He would clean up the kitchen if Mom didn't have the time before she bolted out the door. She took the bus as she didn't drive. The result of the sensible arrangement was criticism from family. Mom, was apparently at fault. She should not go out in the evening. The extended family(aunts and uncles) felt so sorry for my Dad. That shows you the prevailing attitude of disrespect for women. Even though she was working double duty, she was criticized for her, "gallivanting" (a disrespectful term for having fun)

Food was simple. Meat, potatoes, rice, veggies in season, and in the winter, root vegetables were the most common. A salad was most likely shredded cabbage. The Waldorf salad comes to mind. It was actually cole slaw apple, and walnuts, quite tasty actually. And the jellied salad came into fashion. Jello with shredded cabbage, or canned fruit were common party fare. Our family dined out probably once a year, on Mom and Dad's anniversary. Often it was Chinese as it was inexpensive and tasty. We had a big population of Italian immigrants in our city after the war, and their cuisine along with Polish, Ukrainian, German(although no one would admit to being German, the were all from Austria....and who could blame them??.LOL!), and Hungarian began to be part of the array of restaurants available. We took advantage of the new flavours. Many of the dishes began to show up at our house. Spaghetti, goulash, cabbage rolls, pizza, rouladin, bratwurst, perogies etc, etc.

Cleaning the house was different as well. We all had hard wood floors and linoleum in the kitchen and bathroom Mom would get down on her hands and knees to clean these floors then finished with a coating of paste wax, applied by hand and buffed by hand with a soft cloth. It was back breaking labour. But she and Dad were house proud and liked it clean and beautiful. Our house was nicely furnished but I cannot remember any, except the sofa being new. It was all second hand, painted or refinished by Mom to look like new.

We had record players, radio, television(although the choices were limited as were the hours of broadcast), We played hopscotch, skipping, baseball, lots of games with a rubber ball, jacks, hide and seek, tag, and if we were lucky and someone got a badminton set, we played that too. We had dinner and played outside with our friends until the streetlights came on. Mom would whistle for us if she wanted us home. She could really whistle! And if we didn't hear it the kids in the neighbourhood would and come to find us.

Friends would ask us to come out to play by standing outside the door and yell, for instance, "Bobbie oh, Bobbie oh Bobbie!! Coming out to play?!!. Knocking on doors was for formal occasions like Birthday parties.

But we all played together using what we had. Thus the saying and threat, "I am taking my ball and going home!!" That would make us create compromises and come up with ways to keep all the kids playing longer. This was negotiations 101. Who cared what the kid looked like, age, sex, or minority? We needed the players, so it was all about who could play. And nobody had Mom or Dad drive them anywhere. If you wanted to join Scouts or Guides, or swim or skate and had to get there, you walked, or if you were lucky, rode your bike.

Thanks for the question

Lots more to tell, but.....
2014-08-02 18:27:31 UTC
If you are looking for woodworking plans,

try to look here
2016-12-26 05:16:28 UTC
Teach your kids your best sport (or have them educate you theirs).

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.