I was in a private school working on an art project. The radio was on and they broke in for the announcement that the president had been shot. It stopped everyone in their tracks. Everyone headed to the day room where the tv was and there was not a dry eye in the place. They decided to turn off the tv thinking we were all getting to upset so many protested they turned it back on. We were glued to every sentence every word. I'll never forget one of the school personnel said, I'm not surprised, they wouldn't let him stay in office because they were afraid he would do the right things for the people not the government. I still think there was some truth to what she said. Sure they made the arrests and the mess that turned out to be, but they never did have a decent reason of why he was shot. They say it died with the assassin. Bull s*** gets deep in Washington doesn't it?
2008-12-04 04:08:09 UTC
I was living on an AF base in Germany with my parents and doing homework. It was about 7:30 pm. Our neighbor came over and said JFK had been shot. Until then, the only people I'd ever known to be shot were cowboys on tv shows. So, I imagined a cowboy had jumped out of the bushes on the White House lawn and shot Kennedy in the stomach.
2008-12-03 19:50:30 UTC
I was a sophomore in high school. They announced it over the PA and then they let school out. I remember that we were all standing around crying almost in disbelief. Then I went home and watched what had happened on the TV. I will never forget how everyone grieved. I grew up in Connecticut and had been to Cape Cod and seen the Kennedy estate many times. I couldn't believe that someone would murder him. It was a horrible day.
2008-12-04 08:49:56 UTC
It was just 2 days before my 4th birthday. Really don't remember a lot about it, except for my mom crying all the time. Also that she was still so upset the next day, that she tried 3 times to make me a cake and they all fell. First time I ever had a store bought cake. I know - stupid that I would remember something like that, but remember - I was just turning 4.
2008-12-03 19:22:10 UTC
Sitting in 8th grade math class at Brookland Jr. High in Henrico County Virginia. I vividly remember the announcement on the PA and the absolute silence in that classroom. The only sound was sniffles from the girl sitting across the aisle from me. My teacher, Mrs. Whitehurst struggled for words to try and explain to us what had happened. It's a memory that has remained vivid my entire life.
2008-12-03 19:21:02 UTC
At school, during recess, on old lady across the street conned us into going over to her house (strictly against the rules!). She told us the President had been shot. We assumed she was nuts but told our teacher (the school principal) anyway. That way, she'd go to the office to listen to the radio and we'd get another 10 minutes of free time.
When Sister came on the loudspeaker and announced that Kennedy had, indeed, been assassinated, we all felt guilty that we'd tried to use the tragedy to our own ends.
Kris L
2008-12-03 19:13:36 UTC
I was in middle school, and we were in the lunch line. Someone had smuggled a transistor radio in and was listening to it in the girl's locker room, screamed, and shouted 'The president has been assassinated.' They took the transistor away and told us it hadn't happened, but one of the vice principals had a radio, turned it on, found out it was true, and excused us all to go home from school less than an hour later. I'm now 58 years old, and can still remember where I was in the line, and everything that happened that day ...
2008-12-03 19:14:56 UTC
I was still an egg, but I can tell you my mom was ironing, my dad was at work (but came straight home to be with my mom) my aunt was teaching school (this was before PA systems, someone came running down the hall screaming and crying) Most people who were alive know exactly what they were doing when this happened. For my generation the question is where were you or what were you doing when the Challenger shuttle blew up. (I was watching the launch in between classes at Jr. college)
kathleen m
2008-12-03 19:20:25 UTC
I was sitting in my eighth-grade History class. My teacher was lecturing. He got a phone call and looked distressed. He told our class, "President Kennedy has been shot and it doesn't look like he is going to live." "We are all going home now." Class dismissed. I was crying in class and so were most of us. I went home and turned the T.V.on. I saw Walter Cronkite break down. I was so sad and I cried a lot when it was anounced that President Kennedy was dead. I watched the funeral, too. I broke down again when John-John saluted. I'll never forget it.
Inundated in SF
2008-12-04 00:09:05 UTC
I was in school. The teacher was called out of the classroom and, of course, we were all misbehaving in her absence. But when she came back in, she was crying (not sobbing, just tears were dripping down her face)--and this was a very mean, steely teacher so we knew something was wrong. She didn't even yell at us for misbehaving, that's how serious it was. When we all quieted down, she told us that the president had just been shot and was dead, and the school would be closing early and we were to go directly home. My mom had come to pick us all up (2 sibs, the neighbor kids, any other kids on our block who's parents were at work and couldn't get to school) and she was listening to a radio, and she was crying too (out in public so it had to be huge). We all went home and watched the coverage on tv. I don't remember feeling horribly sad although I'd helped mom campaign for JFK and I did a report comparing Nixon vs. Kennedy for school. I did get broken up when I saw Jackie and the two little kids, the horseless horse. I remember the whole world seemed to be holding it's breath, not a lot of noise, not the usually street noises, it was hushed except for the occasoinal sob. I knew what death was but I don't think I understood the implications of losing a president were, nor did I know about the resulting man hunt (and the assasination of Oswald too) and all the different theories coming out. I did feel that it was an end to something.
Just Joyce
2008-12-03 21:34:09 UTC
I was 19, and at work. . The bosses secretary heard it on her radio and ran out of her cubicle to tell everyone. . . The boss left and 20 mins. later was back with a TV so we all could watch the news in the cafeteria ! Everyone was crying ! Very little work was done after that. . . a sad, sad, day !
Loren S
2008-12-04 07:51:30 UTC
i was at work at Rheem Mfg. Co. at 7600 S. Kedzie Ave. Chicago, Ill. and some one told me that JFK had been assassinated and i falsely accused them of lieing to me. It was quite a shock because i loved the man.
2008-12-03 19:47:00 UTC
I was a Junior in high school, in Home Ec class. The principal made the announcement over the PA system. Our class went silent in a second & there were no dry eyes, including our teacher.
2008-12-04 08:30:48 UTC
I was in school. The teachers were crying and they sent us home early. I don't remember ever seeing so many people so sad at the same time other than 9-11.
Ray T
2008-12-04 03:11:34 UTC
I was working in a bakery in a mall in Tucson AZ. Someone came by from another stall and said, "The president had been bitten by a snake called an assassin" And so the rumers are spread.
2008-12-04 10:58:21 UTC
I was in school. It was announced on the PA system... I remember a huge emotional out burst. I remember sitting there in amazement that this guy John had so many close friends in my town since as best I knew he had never been there. LoL... kids
2008-12-03 19:23:41 UTC
I had my hand on a switch to chrome plate some chairs. it was 9 a.m. in the morning , saturday the 23 rd. november 1963 the news flash came over the new zealand radio station, that would have made it a friday afternoon in america. i was 27 yrs. old
2008-12-03 19:46:21 UTC
I don't remember what I was doing, but I do remember what my mom told me. I was just a few years old and entertaining myself. My mom was scrubbing the kitchen floor when she heard the news. She was quite shaken by the news reports, as was my father. That must have been one of the few days they turned on the TV.
2008-12-03 20:04:48 UTC
Sitting at home waiting for the eminent arrival of a child. My mother called me on the land line and told me. The funeral was broadcast on the old black and white TV.
Grela LaTuc
2008-12-03 23:49:08 UTC
I was home from school sick, laying on the sofa with the tv on. It was on one of my mother's favorite soaps. She was listening to it while sewing some clothes. Unlike today, they didn't cut in and announce his shooting until after the soap had ended, then the rest of the day's schedule was preempted.
2008-12-03 22:23:24 UTC
I was in my home in Kansas City - grounded by TWA because I had the measles. Bummer - but the headline was worse! I will never forget
Walter Cronkite tearing up as he delivered that dreadful news.
curious connie
2008-12-03 19:29:58 UTC
I was driving to a friend's house and heard it on the radio. I rushed in and told her then rushed home to tell my family. None of us had a phone. We spent the rest of the day glued to the TV. It was a horrible day. I admired him so much. I was 17.
2008-12-03 20:47:32 UTC
School work, 4th grade, when the principal announced it on the P A system.
2008-12-03 19:15:55 UTC
Amazing how many answers here, are "wasn't born yet". And this is the Senior Cit's area. I'm not all THAT old, and I was a teenager lying on the beach. Heard it on my little transistor radio.
for the times
2008-12-03 19:22:16 UTC
I was in Conn. and I was 7 months pg with my daughter and I was taking a nap on the sofa. The t.v. was on and at first I didn't know if I was dreaming or not.
I am I said
2008-12-03 19:19:02 UTC
I was sitting on the floor in my third grade gym class in Tulsa, Oklahoma, wondering why is the teacher 30 minutes late to class.
When he finally showed up, he told us.
2008-12-03 20:35:11 UTC
In a barracks in Fort Bliss Texas.
2008-12-04 08:53:33 UTC
I was sitting in my 5th grade classroom when Mrs. Vogele came in and told us what happened. He had just been to Montana that September and we all got to go see him so this was hard for us all to understand and we even though young felt his loss.
2008-12-03 22:15:13 UTC
I was washing dishes.
My 5 year old daughter came into the kitchen and as young as she was she tried to tell me to come and see.
It was devastating and we both cried together.
It was a sad time for America.
Mariana Straits
2008-12-03 21:09:55 UTC
In the locker room getting ready to shower when we heard our gym teachers screaming. They played the radio broadcast over the PA system.
They then dismissed us from school. =*(
2008-12-04 05:54:24 UTC
I was in school. Our principal came on the loudspeaker & announced it. He was crying. I wonder what your first respondant was doing in church during the week on a school day.
2008-12-03 19:12:08 UTC
I was in school...they brought a TV into the classroom so we could see some of the news coverage.
2008-12-04 16:30:02 UTC
Watching TV with a friend.
2008-12-03 22:18:47 UTC
I was 15, at school-I was at a Friday football pep rally.
2008-12-04 17:04:35 UTC
I was in 6th grade, we had just come back from lunch when the teacher came in and told us.
2008-12-04 06:31:46 UTC
I was working. We closed up the shop and went home.
2008-12-04 11:57:31 UTC
I was in Latin Class
I was a freshman in highschool
2008-12-03 19:10:51 UTC
In my kitchen in Texas
2008-12-03 20:25:31 UTC
I was work at my first job in Columbus, Ohio. they announced it over the intercom everyone was in shock, those who voted him or against him we were all broken up --we were all American and he was our president
Kauf it Up
2008-12-03 20:01:45 UTC
Sitting at my desk in grade school.
2008-12-03 19:10:49 UTC
Thinking of what year in the eighties I will make my debut.
2008-12-04 07:37:51 UTC
5th grade gym class, all I remember is that we got to go home early.
2008-12-03 19:10:36 UTC
Staying at home.
2008-12-04 11:09:40 UTC
In second grade on the playground...they sent us home....
2008-12-03 19:58:48 UTC
I was in grade school, 7th grade maybe? I forget what year it was.
wyomugs is a troll
2008-12-03 19:33:38 UTC
i was in jr high in geography class i was 12
2008-12-03 19:12:56 UTC
makin a samich
Older & Wiser
2008-12-03 19:12:25 UTC
I was in school, we were dismissed early that day.
fred[because i can]
2008-12-03 19:12:28 UTC
Sitting in my 4th grade class picking my nose. I do like Prince's answer more though...:)
2008-12-03 19:10:36 UTC
I wasn't born yet
2008-12-03 19:11:31 UTC
not born yet
by the way, interesting question.
2008-12-03 19:11:11 UTC
i was not born yet
2008-12-03 19:10:39 UTC
in moms stomach
2008-12-03 19:10:50 UTC
i wasn't alive
bella is amazing
2008-12-03 19:10:25 UTC
I wasn't alive.
2008-12-03 19:10:17 UTC
Church with mom.
2008-12-03 19:12:02 UTC
that was in my previous birth.
2008-12-03 19:10:37 UTC
not existing
The Prince
2008-12-03 19:10:30 UTC
floating aruond in my dads ballsack
2008-12-03 19:11:12 UTC
I was masturbating to pornography.
This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.