My "command post" is in a corner of our family room. It is practically a fortress, or at least a two-sided cave. A dictionary, thesaurus, "Elements of Style", books of quotes, books of puns, "Robert's Rules of Order", mini book with the US Constitution, and a field guide all reside on the top shelf above where I am currently typing. All of these books are collecting heaps of dust; because I most often use online or software versions of them now.
Your big farm table and heavily coated stool must be lovely! So much workspace!
My command post is V-shaped, and fits well in my corner. To my left is a 4-drawer file cabinet. Like your foot stool, it has many coats of enamel paint. It started out as a hand-me-down (free), it was a putty colored cabinet that came out of an office-I polished the handles, and painted the outside of the cabinet-it is now cream with speckles of gold dabbed on.
The center tower has the shelf with books, another shelf with our collection of ancient floppy discs and CDs, a shelf with my computer screen and speakers, a tray for my keyboard, and the surge protectors and cords down below. To my right are more shelves, a fold down desktop, and another small two drawer cabinet. The right side holds the binders and notebooks with my work, an assortment of stationary-cards-envelopes, notepads, stapler, and other office supplies. I have a small cork square for posting reminders. The fold down desk is covered with stacks of paper that I need to sort through and finish working on (Oh yes, horrible clutter here). I have an all-in-one printer-fax-scanner, a shredder, and my waste can.
I love my chair; it is a swivel chair, well padded, and has some netting on the back that allows air to flow..........I love being in "my own little corner in my own little chair". I work and play here, and I have a clear view to both my front door and my back door.....