If we took care of our Seniors how can we do it?
2007-05-10 17:43:51 UTC
If we took care of our Seniors how can we do it?
Seventeen answers:
2007-05-13 16:16:58 UTC
Easy, by inviting them to live with us.

In Portugal growing up I lived in a house with my mom, aunt, mom's aunt and grandpa. No senior home for my grandpa, which was great for him I think, as he got to be a part of life.
2007-05-10 21:42:36 UTC
I am a senior. I live in an apartment building with 125 apartments. For the general public I don't think this would be a good setup, but for us it is very good. Because we have each other everyday. It doesn't replace our children believe me, but it keeps you from being lonely. Most of us anyway. The problem is there aren't enough buildings like ours for everyone of us to be in.

We get a break on utilities and rent is paid according to how much we get in SS benefits. We share a cab ride for a very low cost. I wish there were more housing being built to help us out. It is easy to take care of a small place like this and no need for a nursing home for many years hopefully.

When I lived in my house I couldn't climb the basement stairs, cut the grass, trim the hedges, and many many other things. I'm so releaved to be here where I can be independant. Mostly it is women that are left alone for 20 years or more without a man. so can't we somehow build more housing units that help? I dread the day when I have to go to a nursing home. I think most of the aides are only there to steal the pain medication, and that means I will be suffering really bad. Just wanted you to think about some other situations that you might help with. Most Townships have ordinances against building these low rent housing units. Stop blocking them. And I don't think you should put young handicap people in here with us either. They should have thier own units with people like themselves for moral support. Also sometimes they bring some dangerous friends around that scare us, and I think they take drugs, and steal.
2007-05-11 11:58:23 UTC
In nursing homes especially, I think it's so important that people are seen as individuals, and not lumped together in one big group where one size has to fit all. If dementia or other communication problems are part of the picture, it may be hard for the staff to see the unique individual with all of her or his preferences and qualities. I have heard of initiatives where each senior has a notebook or a scrap book, called "My Book", or something like that. Usually it's collected/written by family members, who have been asked to do so by the nursing home staff. The book describes briefly the story and the personality of the person. Brief history, family memories, photos from babyhood to old age, memories from his/her active life, career, hobbies, interests, intellectual pursuits, favourite food, music and literature and so on. They are intended for the staff, so that they may be able to see behind the surface and understand a little more about the person behind the "patient".
2007-05-10 18:00:20 UTC
Social Security is failing because too many boomers had too few children to pay into SS. Too many boomers didn't plan for retirement, believing Social Security was going to be their retirement. I think we are going to have severe overcrowding in our retirement centers and nursing homes, resulting in even poorer quality care than we have now.

I think the best solution is for elders to stay in their own homes or with younger family members, (as long as possible) the way so many other cultures do. Our seniors don't have to be thought of as a burden, we can think of them as built-in babysitters, household help, companions, watchdogs while the house would otherwise be empty........ I see it as a win / win situation.
2007-05-11 13:18:15 UTC
One big factor for helping families take care of their senior members in the US is to allow an income tax deduction for all dependents, regardless of age. That way, working adult children would have an incentive to take care of their parents.
2007-05-11 05:32:19 UTC
It was never a problem years ago, the children stepped up. Reasoning "If Mom/Dad took care of me when I was young, it is the least I can do" But today's youth are very self centered and want to just have fun.
2007-05-10 19:52:39 UTC
Get the drug addicts, convicts and malingers off of social security and make them work. The seniors have paid, and paid, and paid into the system only to have it used up by scum like that. Drug test the bast**ds. I would rather be dead than end up in a nursing home because as a nurse I have seen the neglect by aides in these homes.
2007-05-10 19:42:49 UTC
The senior citizens are the most neglected lot in today's busy world. Seniors are not criminals to be kept away from the civilised society. Their wants are very few and they do not have expensive demands. I have come across scores of elder citizens, who have contributed both to their families and to the society quite a lot, are now living in isolation and despair.Many of them are thrown to the Home for the Aged institutions or kept away seperatly in their in their own homes, without a care. They too need companionship and are dying to interact with the other members and also to play with their grand children. The present day Asian society, in my opinion, in blindly aping some of the evils of the western world, including this one.At a time when even a pet dog is getting a pamperred treatment, one finds the elders in their homes kept at a careful distance. It is not enough if they are merely fed and clothed, they too are human and need love and compassion very much.

I have observed in my life that whichever society which conciously neglects their women and elders, such societies perish soon.

A Hindu sage recently opined that children who constanty oppose and fight with their parents, do not achieve good results in their studies. To illustrate this clearly he is conducting classes for the troubled youngsters and explaining to them the importance of cordial parent-child relationships. Believe it or not, i have come across virtually hundreds of such youngsters mending their relations with their parents and scoring remarkably well in their exams and securing seats in IITs,Medical and Engineering colleges. Some who were employed already,got quicker promotions and are happy in life. This explains as to how important it is for us to keep all relations cordial, especially the relations with our seniors at home.
2007-05-11 10:45:04 UTC
It will require more money spent on Social Security. When to days boomers start retiring there won't be enough people to support them. Money will have to be taken out of general revenue.

More can be done to prevent the conditions of old are, rather than keeping senile people around longer. This way more people could work longer before retiring.
2007-05-13 01:53:07 UTC
In Singapore is mainly cost of of living and rats race.You cannot care for all, some deserve.Most are lack of entertainment and missed allot during their earlier years working hard hoping for good retirement.But in this ever changing environment allot was caught of guard. Therefore the main care needed is welfare.
2007-05-10 18:06:00 UTC
it is said as we sow so shall we reap so i would like to develop my answer on this famous saying. according to me one should not forget that one day even we have to grow old and if we think that as we seniors should get proper care and good and healthy environment where we old people do not feel lonely and ignored lot we should first of all we should provide this social environment for our elders who are old and lonely. only than we have a right to hope that we will have someone to talk with someone when we grow old. moreover even in bible it is said only merciful shall receive mercy so before asking for something for our future( that is our old age) it is our duty to care for some ones present.

thanks aggarwal
2007-05-11 04:34:50 UTC
Patience and gentleness are excellent for getting along with anybody, but especially the young, sick and elderly. They move slower and they also have a lifetime of experience. I don't know why life is so regimented. Real person to person contact is good, I think, so long as people are left with plenty of space.
2007-05-11 05:42:21 UTC
Patience, kindness, understanding and a lot of prayers. Support system will be good too.
Mansoor S
2007-05-10 21:26:53 UTC
we have to take care of them and the best way is to look after them
2007-05-12 06:20:44 UTC
Give them respect, ear, food of their choice, money etc.
2007-05-10 21:53:50 UTC
respect the fact that maybe we do have some valuable answers
Holla H
2007-05-11 08:45:00 UTC
Please clarify, what do you mean by "took care"... do you mean what I think you mean?

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