I have eaten frog's legs in the past, I did like them, tasted just like chicken.
Your granddaughter sounds like a sweet child worrying about smaller creatures at her age.
We lived in a very rural area in S. Calif. for a couple of years when I was 7-8 years old.
there was a small creek running in front of the homes and we neighborhood kids would get jars and collect tadpoles and watch them grow legs.
When they could jump about,my mother had us release them back into the creek.
It was fun at the time but don't think I would want them around me now.
When we lived in Hilo,HI we were warned to be careful of our dog eating the Buffo Toads that are on the Island.
I had never heard of them before coming to the Islands and they scared me as they say they can kill a dog if they eat one.
One night I went out to say goodnight to my dog, Max the Doberman( landlord wouldn't allow dogs inside the house) when I freaked out screaming at him.
When I turned on the light I saw a huge squirming poisionous toad hanging out of his mouth.He had caught the thing and was full of himself all proud and all.
The giant toad hopped away, first staring at me, so ugly it was. I grabbed the garden hose and started to flush out my dogs mouth as I was so afraid he would die from the toad excretions.
Poor dog, I almost drown him I was so rough with him mostly because he was a big dog and it took all of my strength to flush his mouth out.
called the vet right away, like midnight and he said as we lived 25 min. from downtown Hilo, the dog would be dead long before we reached the clinic.
I sat with Max for a long time waiting to see if he would be alright or not, thankfully he was a big dog and i must of made him release the toad before the poison did any damage.
If he was a smaller dog, I fear it would of been over for him then and there, the toad must of weighed 10lbs, ( it jumped around some boxes for a bit and I could hear how heavy it was) never saw anything so ugly and big before.
No, I don't like toads at all.