Hi fellow seniors, do you like frogs?
2012-01-30 04:07:44 UTC
I can't say I'm bothered either way about them. The only thing perhaps I don't like is when they jump as they make me also jump.

My 5 year old granddaughter on the other hand loves them. This became apparent when she found one in her back garden and was concerned because she thought it was lost as we are at least a couple of miles from a river or pond.

So we drove two miles to our local river to place Kermit (yes really) on the bank and watch him jump his way along.

My granddaughter then became concerned as to whether or not the other frogs would like him and should she take him back home again stating he could live in the bath......

Thankfully by the time we explained that the river was the best place for him he disappeared like a good little frog amongst the reeds.

So all's well that ends well.

Do you like frogs and toads, I know there's normally a great divide between those that do and those that don't ?
36 answers:
2012-01-30 11:50:28 UTC
Yes. I love real frogs and the porcelain frogs that I collect, and the frogs that grace my garden. :)
2012-01-30 07:05:08 UTC
We played with them on the farm and in town. It was fun to go out under the street lights at night after a good soaking rain and see them hopping around, easy to catch toads. Don't see many these days except for a few in the summer that get run over. I think I've seen one or two in my yard in the past 9 years...sad. Pesticides and herbicides may be killing the town frogs, toads and horny toads (horned lizards) that were once very common here. I did see a huge bullfrog at the duck pond on campus a few years ago, his eyes were sticking up out of the shallow water and a young boy approached me and asked what that was.

Funny thing to watch is when a dog tries to catch a big fat toad. They have some kind of protective toxin on their skin, the dogs mouth will start foaming up and he will quickly put that toad back down on the ground and leave him alone. Doesn't kill the dog and the toad hops free to roam around in the flower beds again.
2012-01-30 06:53:21 UTC
My husband & I both love frogs & toads & have done since childhood when we were both brought up in the country so saw quite a few,both in our late 60's now.In our current garden quite a few appear at different times of year,also various colours,yellowy,different greens etc.We have had frog spawn in recent years in our tiny pond & some made it to frog-hood which was exciting to watch.

A couple of times we have found them in our kitchen but that was only because we had left a door open to the garden & they were easily caught & put back outside.About 3 years ago an adult frog used to let me stroke it's nose each day as it poked it's head out of the pond (quite smooth to stroke) but never liked my husband doing that.Our garden backs on to open country with a stream so they may have found their way from there & also quite a few newts via the same source.
2016-10-05 02:00:21 UTC
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2012-01-30 14:08:46 UTC
I like frogs and toads. I have some really old apple trees, one of them is partially fallen with toad home in it. I feel honoured that the toad lives there.

I think they're beneficial to the garden so I will always encourage them. It is a bit of a worry when cutting grass though.
2012-01-30 09:56:49 UTC
I have a pond and introduced frog spawn from my fathers pond about 15yrs ago. My grandchildren love the fact that as each season moves on I have frog spawn, tadpoles and then baby frogs. There are always frogs around, mostly hiding and yes, they give you a scare when you disturb something and they jump out (restarts the ticker!). I have seen occasions when, maybe in some sort of storm my patio has been covered in baby frogs that have all left the pond to take advantage of the wet weather on the stones. Fantastic to see.

So, in answer to your question it isn't a case of 'loving frogs' it is just 'loving nature' on your own doorstep.

Just as a note of interest my father died 4 yrs ago, removed his pond about 6 yrs ago but still, when frogs mate my mother finds frog spawn in her garden in any small puddle!
2012-01-30 08:35:04 UTC
A friend of mine got a surprise when she opened her front door one day to see a frog sitting on her door step.ha ha. She is at least 2 miles from a pond but she just left it on her door step and it must have hopped back home as it was gone later on.

Last summer, my neighbour and I visited a garden centre and they had an aquatic area so we had a look at the fish tanks. In one there was a large, white-coloured, frog sitting. It didn't move a muscle and Hazel and I bent down to have a better look and asked each other - 'Is it an ornament?' Just then, it leapt up to the top of the tank and down again and gave us both such a fright and we burst out laughing. It's as if it was saying, 'Who are you calling an ornament?' ha ha.
2012-01-30 04:45:24 UTC
I think they're delightful creatures. They're so strange that they should be exotic, but instead they're everywhere. Where I am we have tiny little amphibians--whether toads or frogs I'm not sure--only an inch and a half long with all legs extended, with little cups on their digits, and so lightweight that they can walk up the side of the house. They come out in large numbers during the rainy season and serenade each other with little sounds that seem very sweet and heartfelt.

My favorite Chuck Jones cartoon:
2012-01-30 13:07:12 UTC
Lily that is such a cute story.

Five year olds are sweet and so innocent.

You need to play this song for her.

We don't have frogs in our neck of the woods - but we do have a toad that comes out after we water the lawn.

I'm thinking - we just have one and he sits in the puddle on our drive way and croaks.

Yes - I do like frogs and toads and polliwogs too.

That sweet question made my day.

2012-01-30 13:41:56 UTC
I don't mind frogs at all.

I have one or two toads that come into my garden (unless they live here)

when it's time to mow the grass I have to round them up, put them into

a large bucket, until I have finished, I don't like the idea of accidents.
2012-01-30 06:18:24 UTC
In this country, toads (cane toads) were imported in 1935 to kill a beetle that was eating the sugar cane. Now the horrible beasts are like a disease on the land, jumping all over the place, eating little tree frogs and anything else they can find. They are disgusting monsters.

When we see toads here - we get out the cricket bat or golf club, and send the critter off to hell.
Marilyn T
2012-01-30 09:10:09 UTC
I have eaten frog's legs in the past, I did like them, tasted just like chicken.

Your granddaughter sounds like a sweet child worrying about smaller creatures at her age.

We lived in a very rural area in S. Calif. for a couple of years when I was 7-8 years old.

there was a small creek running in front of the homes and we neighborhood kids would get jars and collect tadpoles and watch them grow legs.

When they could jump about,my mother had us release them back into the creek.

It was fun at the time but don't think I would want them around me now.

When we lived in Hilo,HI we were warned to be careful of our dog eating the Buffo Toads that are on the Island.

I had never heard of them before coming to the Islands and they scared me as they say they can kill a dog if they eat one.

One night I went out to say goodnight to my dog, Max the Doberman( landlord wouldn't allow dogs inside the house) when I freaked out screaming at him.

When I turned on the light I saw a huge squirming poisionous toad hanging out of his mouth.He had caught the thing and was full of himself all proud and all.

The giant toad hopped away, first staring at me, so ugly it was. I grabbed the garden hose and started to flush out my dogs mouth as I was so afraid he would die from the toad excretions.

Poor dog, I almost drown him I was so rough with him mostly because he was a big dog and it took all of my strength to flush his mouth out.

called the vet right away, like midnight and he said as we lived 25 min. from downtown Hilo, the dog would be dead long before we reached the clinic.

I sat with Max for a long time waiting to see if he would be alright or not, thankfully he was a big dog and i must of made him release the toad before the poison did any damage.

If he was a smaller dog, I fear it would of been over for him then and there, the toad must of weighed 10lbs, ( it jumped around some boxes for a bit and I could hear how heavy it was) never saw anything so ugly and big before.

No, I don't like toads at all.
2012-01-30 04:51:29 UTC
I think you are witnessing a lover of animals/reptiles etc. Good for her. I usually gave frogs their space except for one day I was breaking up soil in the garden with my hands only to find the squishy clump wouldn't break up....ughhh it was a toad. After screaming, I let it go. I do like turtles, do they count?
christine,rice cake queen
2012-01-30 05:37:09 UTC
Aww, Lily, I love most of God's creatures and frogs happen to be one of my favourites - I recall that hearing about how they grow from black dots in clear jelly, into tadpoles, then eventually little frogs, being one of the truly marvelous nature lessons of my childhood. Bless the little darlings ( but they have to hop away fast when my cat comes along, he thinks they're excellent playthings ... )
CO the Old Dog
2012-01-30 08:22:49 UTC
At first, I thought you meant as food and I have enjoyed the legs cooked in garlic & oil. As a species, I have seen those tiny bright colored poisonous frogs in Costa Rica and their tiny Amazon cousins in Peru. They seems to be very important for the ecological balance as they eat a very large number of insects. I liked looking at these amphibs.
2012-01-30 04:43:19 UTC
Yes, Lily, I especially like the little tree frogs.They climb right up the windows.I also like the big bull frogs the same way Thomas does.
2012-01-30 06:38:23 UTC
We have black toads in the garden and they use the pond to breed in.The frogs I have seen by the biggest pond are great.I collect ceramic and metal frogs.
2012-01-30 08:05:28 UTC
They are part of my garden bio army. I prefer them to stay in the garden and devour as many slugs as they can.

Every year at least one makes its way indoors. Trying to catch it is a real game. When I show it the door it hops in the opposite direction. I can't bring myself to pick it up in my hands so follow it around trying to persuade it to hop into a dustpan, of course it hops over. Eventually, when we're both near exhaustion, it gives up and hops in so that I can carry it safely to the garden.

There's a childrens story or cartoon in there somewhere.
2012-01-30 04:24:07 UTC
Yes .They are remarkable creatures.At one time our household was blessed with a little tree frog.Apparently he/she hitched a ride on our car ,when we came back from vacation.Any frog that can hang on to a car going highway speed-must be special.But in fall we had to let him go to hibernate.So we free-d a local nature reserve here. btw.. Toads causing warts is not true.
2012-01-30 06:46:22 UTC
There is a bog nearby and I look forward to the Spring Peepers. The sound can be deafening especially just before a rain shower. It's one of my favorite moments in life to just open the window a tiny bit and let them lull me to sleep.
2012-01-30 05:57:23 UTC
Hmm. Didn't know there was normally a great divide between those who do and don't. I do like them. Have two on the porch table and one in the bathroom sink. The one in the sink sits on top of the drain. The ones on the table have big fat bellies with their hands resting on them, one big, one smaller.
Kitty 2
2012-01-30 05:51:17 UTC
Oh yes i do like frogs they eat the bugs around before the bugs come in the house.K2
June smiles
2012-01-30 08:57:55 UTC
Sure i do, and I like to see them living free and in their natural habitat.

Did you know scientists have learned the frog health and population is someway indicative of the health of the earth?
Ken H
2012-01-30 06:28:24 UTC
My grand daughter loves frogs from the pond carries it around all the time, Also bugs, lizards and snake. I don't want her to learn they are scary.
2012-01-30 05:52:27 UTC
Roxy treefrog is the best frog,frog legs are good to eat.other than that I won't kiss one to see if it turns into a princess because i am already marries to mine.
2012-01-30 05:25:13 UTC
I've never given it much thought. One of mother nature's uglier creatures, bless their hearts. I see a lot more toads than frogs around here, but I remember my brothers playing with (and probably torturing them) when they were little.
2012-01-30 04:13:21 UTC
I don't think about them either most of the time.

But I did once find one in my hiking boot LOL, that made me jump.

Don't ask me what type, it was off and I was too startled at the time to note.
2012-01-30 05:30:08 UTC
Meh. Boring critters. Now if y'was to ask about cute, cuddly li'l bunny rabbits? Mmm! Hasenpfeffer...
E. M
2012-01-30 08:51:18 UTC
They are just fine as long as they stay in or near the pond.
2012-01-30 04:39:11 UTC
Frogs!, just the legs, done in Garlic and Butter. Yummy yummy....
2012-01-30 11:32:41 UTC
Sadly, they have totally disappeared from my area (CA)

20 years ago we had lots of them.
2012-01-30 05:25:36 UTC
I kissed a few, and divorced one before I met my Prince.
2012-01-30 04:13:47 UTC
I love 'em . But your question's putting me on the ' spot ' .
2014-12-06 21:20:58 UTC
very confusing step. check out on google or bing. that will could help!
2012-01-30 04:08:29 UTC
They're nice
2012-01-30 04:55:42 UTC

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