How horrible for you.
My mom has Alzheimer's
and she is totally out of it.
We just go along with whatever
she is saying at the time. She is
seeing people 'on the roof' when
she is sitting on the couch, and
she is looking for my dad who
(has been dead for fourteen years)
and whatever she says we just
GO ALONG with her.
Say, "Yes, they were here yesterday,
don't you remember?" And, "They are
coming back in a little while,
It won't hurt you, and it will keep
her mind busy - for the moment.
Don't mention death or dying, cause
I think (in their soul) they actually do
realize how close they are.
Say whatever you can think up to
just make her happy.
She will be more 'grounded and content.'
If she says that the book says they
are dead, tell her that was the wrong
book - you can figure out what to say.
(How can she see it to read it anyway -
I think she just has it in her head)
And help her "make a new book"
of the people who visited her.
Write down names. Make a big deal
out of it. Visitors book.
A special new gift
from YOU to HER. Begin by helping
her "remember" who visited her -
talking about when they were here,
writing their names in the book as
she talks - where she can watch you...
Maybe that will be her new book.
Change everything about the way
you talk to her. It's all she's got left....
give her the gift of happiness and
Maybe this will give your poor mom
a break, too.
Bless you for trying to help her.
It would be very hard to have to
do what she is doing all by herself.
EDIT: I forgot something that will really
save your mom's sanity. Get a "GLENN MILLER'S HITS " CD or tape and play it for your Grandma.
THAT is the only thing that my MOM really connects to!!
She doesn't know anything, but by golly she knows the words to all those old songs! Amazing to see her 'come alive!' It'll do your heart good to see her enjoy herself! Please try it.